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For recommending Benedryl to me when i posted a long while back about bee stings. I'm apparently allergic to them as of about 2 years ago and no matter where i get stung the same thing right palm starts getting super itchy and then painfully itchy and swells up so bad i have to ride home as fast as i can berofre i can no longer work the clutch.When i say swells up, i mean really huge to whgere i can't use the hand for 3 days minimum. Can't even close my hand.

Anyways, some of you including Carl said benedryl will help with it. Today i got stung on the bike again, about a bi yearly event. Sure enough i felt the tingling and it started getting really big and the palm gets hard like a rock. I didn't have the benedryl with me, foolishly ! But i rushed home and took 3. That was a couple hours ago. It's totally itch and pain free and the swelling went down at least 1/2 way so far. Normally it's pain and itch for a day at least and the swelling doesn't start to go down till about day 3. I just hope it's not a matter of the symptoms coming back once the pills wear off. But in any case you have no idea how relieved i am ! You guys were dead on !

By the way, i couldn't log in so i haven't been around lately. It's just that the forum changes about every few months it seems and i end up not being able to login and i have to jump thru hoops to get it. Then try and make it log me in or remember me, and if i'm lucky it remembers me. I tried everything and it just got to the point i was too burned on doing that regularly to bother.
Glad to see ya back on the boards and very glad the Benedryll helped you that coulda been a whole lot worse as you know. I have the same allergy my foot swelled so much once you couldn't see the toes!
Now since you are in the mood to listen to sage advice from TT members........calm your mind, breath deep......go to your desk, take out a check, NO leave it blank.......and mail it to Keystiger was worth a try.......

Really damn gald to see ya back and well enough to post up. Cheers!
Well it does seem that you will need to carry them on the bike with you as it could get nasty if you way out some place and cannot get home in time. Something I never really thought about is having a small med kit on the bike. On long trips I will have all this packed into my kit but not on short or day rides.

Nice to see you back we did miss you and for the most part all the changes are now done to our new software so you should not have any issues logging in from now on BBEER
Thanks all. And yes Dave, i definitely will be carrying it with me. I just kept forgetting but after this i taped a 3 pill strip to the inside of my side cover. It might even be a good idea to take one before any long ride.
Dale, it is good to see you back; we've missed you. I am glad the Benedryll worked for you. It is good stuff and has been around a long time. I remember taking it in liquid form as a little kid. There is a topical lotion called Caladryl which is Benedryll plus Calamine lotion. It is very good for reducing the swelling, burning, itching of hives and insect bites and stings. I keep a bottle in my truck along with Benedryll capsules.
Sorry about the bee sting

But that is actually a very good idea, carry a small pill box in jacket with antihistamines
for when something like that happens.
Whats that new saying kids today use on forums.....oh yeah...."wow, just wow!". This is awesome. I just got stung AGAIN!!! Thats once a week, what the H is up with that? It usually happens about twice a year. Anyways, thats not why i said wow. I said that because i can't believe how benedrly works. Last time i took it about 10-15 minutes AFTER my hand began to itch and swell and hurt because i had none on me and had to go home and get them. So while that stopped further swelling and stopped the itch and pain, i had no way to know what would happen if i took it right when i'm stung. This time i had a 3 pill strip taped inside my side cover and took them immediately upon getting stung. No itch, no swelling, nothing ! The down side is they make me drowsy and feel a bit sick, but compared to pain itching and swelling and my hand becoming the size of a catchers me and being totally unusable, i'll happily take the side effects ! Anyways, that was a good 45 or hour minutes ago so i think i can safely say it doesn't just help, it stops the symptoms from even starting. It;s a miracle drug. I used to spend 3 days not being able to even use my right hand before !
I slept almost all afternoon !!! This stuff is like the most potent sleeping pills imaginable. I googled it and people are saying they use it for that ! Still worth it but man, I'm afraid It's going to throw my whole sleep cycle off. I took 3 tho so maybe 2 would bot be so bad in that regard. I just wanted to be as assured as possible my hand wouldn't swell up. Next time i'll take 2. Whats odd tho is i took 3 last time too, but i wasn't nearly as sleepy.
Dale, with the frequency you are getting stung, I would suggest you see an allergist. One of these times you could go into anaphylactic shock and not come out of it. You might want to look at also having some Epinephrine on hand. The more you get stung, the worse the symptoms may become.
Dale, with the frequency you are getting stung, I would suggest you see an allergist. One of these times you could go into anaphylactic shock and not come out of it. You might want to look at also having some Epinephrine on hand. The more you get stung, the worse the symptoms may become.

Well, I'm not all that worried about it, especially since i found how Benedryl works. Aside from the drowsiness i didn't even have any effects at all. What really odd tho about the whole thing is i never had this till about 5 years ago. I could get stung anywhere anytime with nothing more than the initial pain and itch of the sting. If Benedryl stops working at some point maybe i will tho.
Well, I'm not all that worried about it, especially since i found how Benedryl works. Aside from the drowsiness i didn't even have any effects at all. What really odd tho about the whole thing is i never had this till about 5 years ago. I could get stung anywhere anytime with nothing more than the initial pain and itch of the sting. If Benedryl stops working at some point maybe i will tho.

And that's why I said you should see an allergist, the reaction has gotten worse. If you wait until the Benedryl stops working then you might not have a chance to see a doctor.

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