Technical Stuff

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OK, so you know I'm somewhat technically challenged, that's why I have a Farside! Here's what I know about my bike:
It's got 2 wheels and I have to put air in the tyres every so often;
It's got 2 handle thingies with some levers on them - 1 makes it go fast, 1 lets me change gears and the other one makes it stop;
There's a lid on top that I have take off to put petrol in. There's no petrol gauge so I have to check the mileage - there's a little button that I press that makes the numbers go back to Zero. If I don't remember to do this, I can run out of petrol and Farside laughs at me;
There's a little thingy by my left foot that can change the gears but only if you use that lever thingy;
There are also some buttons on the handle thingy - the red one blows the hooter (not very loud), the one with the arrows on are the indicators in case I need to turn and the other one is to switch the headlight on;
There's a chain that we spray some goop on every now and again - it's a messy job;
There's a big lever thingy at the bottom - if I don't push this hard when I'm stopped, the bike will fall over;
For everything else, there's Farside and a mechanic.

So when you guys start talking about Morgo's (and my name is MArgo) I tend to understand it all a little differently to the rest of you bunch. So if you guys could use terminology like thingys, jigamabobs and stuff, I'd know what you're talking about.

In defense of all us 'frilly blouses', it's not that we don't really know what's going on, it's just that we all have a Farside lurking not far away to fix all the other stuff.

Oh I forgot, I know there's a thingy for oil but I don't know where it is and I don't see any pump on my bike - thank heavens I've got a Farside on Myside!

But I've learnt some good technical phrases here and throw them about every now and then - it gives people the impression I know what I'm talking about. :y10:
Good one Gromit. The oil pump thingy is inside the engine (the hot vibrating gadget under that tank in which you put fuel) so you cannot see it. If you ever end up seeing it, you have a problem.
:y24: :y24: Good one now this made my day and made me laugh TUP We also have those thingy things on the forum software that allows you to do cool stuff like upload photos and send PM's and cool stuff like that
We also have those thingy things on the forum software that allows you to do cool stuff like upload photos and send PM's and cool stuff like that

What??!! We have those jigamabogs here too?? But are they hot and do they vibrate??:y2:

(I think I'm going to get detention after this).
And not far from the oil pump thingy inside the vibrating gadget under the tank, is a whirlygig. This is sometimes called a clutch.
The whirlygig is operated by the left hand thingy, that allows you to change gear with the left foot thingy.
There are 2 types of whirlygigs, wet ones and dry ones!:y2:
While we are on the subject of the contents of the hot vibrating gadget under the tank, it also contains quite a few roundish jaggedy things. When you push down or pull up the little lever thingy with your left foot, the round jaggedy things move around inside making the bike be in a different gear.
And not far from the oil pump thingy inside the vibrating gadget under the tank, is a whirlygig. This is sometimes called a clutch.
The whirlygig is operated by the left hand thingy, that allows you to change gear with the left foot thingy.
There are 2 types of whirlygigs, wet ones and dry ones!:y2:

See! Now I get this 100% - how difficult can this be. A thingy here, a jigamabob there, a whirlygig and vibrating gadgets - all makes perfect sense to me!
While we are on the subject of the contents of the hot vibrating gadget under the tank, it also contains quite a few roundish jaggedy things. When you push down or pull up the little lever thingy with your left foot, the round jaggedy things move around inside making the bike be in a different gear.

Huh! And all this time, I thought those jaggedy things were bits of a clock - looks just like the jigamabobs inside the big grandfather clock?? Go figure - bikes need to keep time!
You know a lot already gromit.
Most girls (and some of the metrosexual males) don't know anything about pumping tyres, adding oil or lubing a chain.

This is not the rule though, I know of some very technically minded 'girl' riders out there who swing their own spanners.

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