Switching out handlebars

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Well-Known Member
I'm looking at purchasing a 2006 Bonneville and it has M handle bars on it. The current owners still have the original handlebars. I think the more aggressive position of the M handlebars is not quite for me being such a new motorcyclist. I think a more neutral position is better for me at this point. Is switching out the handlebars something I could do myself? I'm pretty handy but by no means am I able to work on engines or anything like that. Has anyone done that themselves?
Handle bars are rather easy. mostly just a lot of adjusting to get the controls mirrors etc. back in place where you like them. However .....you may ask the current owner if to "seal the deal" would they swap the bars out for you. THey did it once shouldn't be hard for them to do it again, especially if it closes the sale. Just a thought.
You should be able to do it yourself but if you can get the owner to do it before you purchase that would be a bonus for you. I am sure you don't still want to have to start changing them when you would sooner be riding
Handle bars are rather easy. mostly just a lot of adjusting to get the controls mirrors etc. back in place where you like them. However .....you may ask the current owner if to "seal the deal" would they swap the bars out for you. THey did it once shouldn't be hard for them to do it again, especially if it closes the sale. Just a thought.

That's a great idea. I'll see if he changed the handlebars out himself. If so, never hurts to ask. He does have a couple other people looking at the bike after me so I don't want to be too demanding either... if I want to make an offer, that is. I've never riden a bike with the M style handlebars. I'll be riding it tonight. Seems like an awkward position to me. I'm no knee dragger (yet). Any tips?
Ride it and see if you like the riding position and then decide. I changed the bars out on my T100 but not for M bars. It is relatively simply to do - just aggravating to take everything off and put it back on again.
Agreed with what Carl said. It is by no means a major deal. 4 bolts on the triple clamp (that actually holds the bars) a few screws to remove the control boxes, couple more bolts to remove the mirror and brake/clutch levers. Simple small tool kit will do the job.
Heres a "quick version" check you tube for some more detailed vids.
I think you're wise to want to switch back to the stock bars. I like the factory bars and they fit me well so I have never given any thought to changing them.
I've never cared for extreme riding positions or the bent over racer-boy position.
As has been said, it's not all that hard to change the bars. It's the taking off and the putting back on of all the controls and getting them positioned.
If you end up doing it yourself pad the gas tank well so you don't dent or scratch it. Old bath towels work well for me when I'm doing something to the bike and the gas tank is in any danger.

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