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I have a pair of swallows trying to build a nest under the roof of my decking area. The problem here is each time they fly in or out they set off the security alarm if it is activated. I have been breaking down the nest as fast as they building it today and even tried spraying some insect spray onto the wall where they building. It helps just after I have sprayed and while the smell is still around but after a few minutes they just come back. I have now used a tine of this stuff throughout the day.

Is there any way to seal off the area with wire mesh or something like that?
These little birds have great determination to build a nest.

I remember as a farm kid we had what we called "barn swallows" because they build nests up under the eaves of all the barns.
There were many of them and the nests didn't do any harm so were left alone.
These are what you call the Barn Swallow. What I am going to try tomorrow is get fishing line and hang it along the beams of the roof at the entrance where they flying in.

Hopefully this will make them look for a better location for their new home.
Well I went to the hardware store today in search of fishing line for my project and they don't sell it, as I am not a fishermen I had no idea where else I could try. So after scratching around in the store I found builders line and it is the same a s fishing line but is yellow. So I purchased this and 200 big washers (used 4 per line) and off home I went to start this project. So what I did was hang the yellow fishing line around the perimeter of the deck from the roof beams with a few washers at the bottom to keep it down. This took me around 3 hours to do but I got it down by lunch time.

So now when the wind blows the line swings in the wind giving movement and it seems to be working a treat as the swallows seem to be keeping well clear of it. I must admit it will not be winning the design of the year prize but it does not look that bad. I suppose once nesting season is over I can also just remove it all.

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