I don't know what's going on in our neighbourhood. We live in an urban, built up area but there's lots of big trees, gardens blah blah. First, we have a bushbaby living in a tree in our area and yesterday, a peacock came hurtling out of a garden and did a dash across the road - I didn't hit it but it was close. Then 2 guys come running out of the garden and start to chase the peacock back home - no such luck. The thing took off like the cartoon road-runner! At another house around the corner from us (we call it the hippy house), they have rabbits and chickens - these little creatures have made their way out of the property and have made nests on the pavement so when you go by the house, you have to slow down - I don't want to run them over. Now there's a problem at the golf-course............ lots of little bunnies running around making a mess out of the greens. Wonder where they came from?? Gotta luv living in the bad ol' city of Jozie! :happy: