The Steel City Rockers branch of the Brit Iron Rebels held their 2nd annual Steel City Mods vs Rockers event in Pittsburgh this past weekend on August 13th.
I personally couldn't make it because I was obligated as a volunteer for a drug rehabilitation house benefit ride.
A write up about it:
The rally, which made its debut in 2010, is among a growing number of "mods vs. rockers" themed events held throughout the country to celebrate the 1960's English subcultures.
The Second annual steel city Mods vs. Rockers will feature contests for motorcycles, motorscooters, as well as pin-up girls sporting the signature styles of the Mods and the Rockers.
The music too will be period appropriate, with live performances from 60's style Ska and Soul bands Neighbors and The Pressure for the Mods and Rockabilly bands The Atomic Drops and Highway 13 for the Rockers.
Steel City Mods and Rockers vintage motorcycle and scooter rally begins at noon this Saturday on Liberty Avenue in Pittsburgh's Bloomfield neighborhood and goes on until five. However, the afterparty, which features live music and 50's and 60's rock from DJ Junior and after-rally specials, begins at nine at Howler's Coyote Cafe.
Website: http://www.steelcitymodsvsrockers.com/index.php