Thank God for Aleve!! I wrote last week that I took some Aleve before setting out on my Thruxton R and had such a good experience I was going to try it with my Speed Triple. Well I just got back from about 2 hours boppin around town and the knee held up the whole way. It wasn't until I was heading home the knee got a little twtchy but it was a wonderful ride in warm sun and cool air. My brother and his wife were on board my T-120 and we had the Sena's going so I could give them turn by turn before we got there. Nothing worse than having your brother do an 'aw
' because I was not paying attention. Rode past Grapevine Lake and got up into the 50+mph heading back to US 377. Took the opprortunity to give the motor some beans and it pulls your arms hard enough to make the ball sockets wimper. Great fun. I let my brother take it around the block when we got back and he noted the power wasn't too impressive below 3000 RPM, which it isn't, but get it over 6K and the fun doesn't stop until you let go the fun handle. Looking forwaard to some more days on the RS as Spring is here.