Specialist Alexander J. Miller, 21, US ARmy, Clermont, FL, 31 JUL 09

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Today, August 7th, I had the privilege of honoring a hero killed in Afghanistan as he made his final trip home. I also got to meet his mom and and share tears with her over her terrible loss.

Specialist Alexander Miller made his final flight home this morning. Kalitta Charter Airlines landed at Orlando International Airport at 10:57 AM under sunny skies. Airport crash trucks saluted Specialist Miller with water cannon as the plane taxied toward the ramp. The crash trucks then escorted the plane to the ramp of Signature Aviation, the FBO.

Specialist Miller's family was waiting on the ramp along with the US Army honor guard, law enforcement officers from the Lake County Sheriff's Office and the Orlando Police Department, fire department personnel, airport security personnel, and airport and Signature Aviation employees. Five Patriot Guard Riders were also lined up to honor Specialist Miller.

The pilot shut down the engines and all was quiet on the ramp as we waited for the cargo door to open. At last it opened and the casket lift was put in place. The only sounds heard were military commands to the honor guard. With the military members and law enforcement personnel at present arms and civilians saluting or hands over hearts, the flag draped casket appeared in the doorway.

Tears were freely flowing from family members', law enforcement personnel's, Patriot Guard Riders' and even news media personnel's eyes as the casket was slowly lowered and the waiting honor guard carried it to the hearse. Salutes were slowly lowered and the family was escorted to the waiting hearse. PGR quietly filed out of the gate and mounted their bikes with flags flying to escort Specialist Miller and his family to Clearmont.

The escort went very well. The Lake County Deputies did an outstanding job with the escort. On the freeways, deputies shut down all lanes in the direction the procession was going. Motorists were very courteous. On the two lane roads, they pulled over to the side and many got out of thier cars and stood with hands over their hearts. In Clearmont, people cam eout of thier homes and businesses to stand beside the streets as the hearse bearing Specialist Miller and the flag bikes passed.

I thank the Lake County Sheriff's Office, the Orlando Police Department, Orlando International Airport Security personnel and firefighters' and the Kalitta crew for their professionalism and courtesy rendered to Specialist Miller and his family.

A hero has returned home.

Services will be held Sunday and the Patriot Guard Riders will be there.

On a hot, sunny Sunday afternoon, 101 persons - 66 bikes plus cages - from all over Florida gathered in Clearmont to honor a young American hero and give support to his grieving mom and family.

The mission began around noon with a last minute escort from the funeral home to the church. We formed a quick flag line to render honors as Specialist Alexander J. Miller's falg draped casket was carried by US Army poll bearers from the hearse into the church. With the temperature well into the 90's, we reformed the flag line at 1:10 PM as guests began arriving for visitation. At 1:20 PM there was quiet as the family arrived. Honors were rendered as they walked through the double flag line. Ms. Miller looking dazed and walking unsteadily mouthed "Thank you" to those holding the American flags in her son's honor.

The service started at 2:30 PM. Those in the flag line took a break and sought the shade of the majestic live oaks on the church's lawn. Later, as the US Army Honor Guard took their positions for the rifle volley salute and the bugler took his position, the Patriot Guard riders reformed the flag lines. Guest exited the church and stood in the shade of the oak trees, chairs were put in place outside the church for family members who were escorted from the church by the Casualty Assistance Officer and the funeral director. The Army poll bearers brought the flag draped casket outside and positioned it in front of the church with the military, officers of the Lake County Sheriff's Office and the PGR rendering honors.

As the poll bearers lifted the casket flag and held it horizontally, three rifle volleys shattered the silence followed by the mournful call of Taps played perfectly. Carefully, the Army poll bearers folded the flag and presented it a Major General. He in turn presented it to a mom whose son made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation and for freedom.

The poll bearers carried the casket back to the hearse and the hearse departed. The Blue Star Mothers presented a Gold Star Banner to Ms Miller explaining the meaning. I did all right up until that point; that got to me big time.

The service was over. A family member thanked those in the flag line, the flag line was dismissed and we went our separate ways lost in thoughts of yet another young Floridian who gave his all.

Mission complete. It was an honor and privilege to be a part of this mission.
Here are some press photos of services.


Lake County Sheriff's Office employees salute as the family of Army Specialist Alexander J. Miller enters Clermont's First United Methodist Church


Maj. Gen. Robert E. Livingston is greeted by Florida Patriot Guard Riders before funeral services for Army Specialist Alexander J. Miller



Patriot Guard Rider, Ride Captain Carl Swofford salutes as Capt. Darren Ayres and Florida National Guardsmen carry the coffin of Army Specialist Alexander J. Miller to a hearse after services


Three men hold an American flag in honor of Army Specialist Alexander J. Miller as Florida National Guardsmen prepare for a 21-gun salute after services at First United Methodist Church in Clermont on Sunday, Aug. 9, 2009.


Florida National Guardsmen prepare to present a flag draped over the coffin of Army Specialist Alexander J. Miller to his family after services at First United Methodist Church in Clearmont on Sunday, Aug. 9, 2009.


Maj. Gen. Robert E. Livingston presents a flag to Sue Miller, the mother of Army Specialist Alexander J. Miller, after services at First United Methodist Church in Clermont on Sunday, Aug. 9, 2009


Patriot Guard Rider Carl Swofford and Capt. Darren Ayres, right, salute as Army Specialist Alexander J. Miller's coffin is removed after services at First United Methodist Church in Clermont on Sunday, Aug. 9, 2009.


The family of Army Specialist Alexander J. Miller leaves services at First United Methodist Church in Clermont on Sunday, Aug. 9, 2009. His mother, Sue Miller, was presented with a flag that was ceremonially draped over his coffin.
As an Atheist, I don't pray......but if I did it would be for the PGR to be out of business ASAP. I of course mean that in a good way. A little piece of me dies every time I read about another KIA.

The photo captions were obviously from the media source, as I noticed that you Carl were clear and accurate when you spoke of a Three Round Rifle Volley.......the media always makes the mistake of calling it a 21 Gun Salute.
[quote author=The Seeker link=topic=6660.msg36706#msg36706 date=1249953407]
As an Atheist, I don't pray......but if I did it would be for the PGR to be out of business ASAP. I of course mean that in a good way. A little piece of me dies every time I read about another KIA.

The photo captions were obviously from the media source, as I noticed that you Carl were clear and accurate when you spoke of a Three Round Rifle Volley.......the media always makes the mistake of calling it a 21 Gun Salute.

AJ, I certainly agree with your sentiment!!!! Unfortunately we have two more KIA's in the state, one in Homestead and another announced yesterday in Naples. This makes five in three weeks for us in Florida.
[quote author=The Seeker link=topic=6660.msg36730#msg36730 date=1250001878]
As Dave said...I give you and the PGR the utmost respect and thanks. I just don't think I could handle hearing Taps another time without losing it completely.

I completely understand that. Sometimes I do lose it. There are very few dry eyes when Taps ring out. This time I lost it when the Gold Star Banner was presented.
My hope is that his family understands the great gift he has given this country. Thank you very much. It is priceless. It isn't something bought in a store. It is given with this young mans life. This is the best country in the world and he is helping to keep it that way. Thank you very much Spc Miller.Rod[/color] :y68: :y131:

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[quote author=rod reynolds link=topic=6660.msg42473#msg42473 date=1259442351]
My hope is that his family understands the great gift he has given this country. Thank you very much. It is priceless. It isn't something bought in a store. It is given with this young mans life. This is the best country in the world and he is helping to keep it that way. Thank you very much Spc Miller.Rod[/color] :y68: :y131:

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Hear! Hear! Well said.

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