Sometimes life is hard

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Still Rocking
Supporting Member
Late yesterday morning my wife and I went down to our lakeside cottage for the day. It was hot at 29C (84F), but there was a gentle breeze. I had a nice swim and then we settled down under the deck roof in the shade and watched the loons swimming and diving; the hummingbirds at their feeder; the birds at their feeders - and even a bald eagle soaring over the lake.
We went out for supper and then back to the cottage to watch the sun go down and the solar garden-style accent lights come on. We would have stayed the night, but my wife had an early morning appointment and I didn't want to fight the commuter traffic.
As we arrived home I remembered that I had plugged in a rechargable light and forgot to unplug it. I didn't want to risk a fire so that meant I had to go back today to unplug it.
That also meant that I had to get my bike out (sigh), put on my jacket and helmet (sigh), then ride down that winding coastal road along the ocean (sigh), past the beaches and bikinis (sigh), then on to the cottage (sigh) - and then I had to ride back home the same way (sigh)!!!
It was tough, but it had to be done :y2:
Man o man, i'm so sorry to hear that Rocky ! I hate to see you go thru all that, so if it happens again just let me know and i'll go to the lake cottage for you and even take that torturous ride up the coast for you. No, no......don't thank me, just wanna help any way i can. I'm just that kinda guy.:y2:
Next time you have to do that terrible ride past the bikini beach Rocky,yell out and I'll lend you my eyes.
I wouldnt want you compromising your ideals,but mine are long gone.
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Well you know what they say Rocky. . .

Some times in life you are the windshield. . .


and some times you're the bug. . .


I guess that was the evil in me coming out :y2: