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He was something else, a really amazing dog. Ours would do a few of the things Skidboot did, she always seemed to love learning new things. And like Skidboot, Sydney was slowly going blind at the end. The last few days she was probably 80 to 90% blind.
He's awesome ! I have that kind of connection with my MEG ( AKA. Moo moo ) a 2 year old border collie , she comes to work with me every day she's the reason I bought a caravan so she could come on holiday with us .
It's a strange thing when that super special once in a life time bond comes along between you and a certan dog, she knows what I'm thinking before I do !
Yep that darn dog has me smitten and she 's so much cheaper to keep than the wife ! :y10: :y150:
Sydney was pretty much the same as Skidboot in her behavior, she almost didn't live to the end of her first and then her second year. She was just too damn smart for her own good and she took a little while to realize who was the Alpha dog in this house. After she learned her function, she was the best dog we have ever had. . . well as long as you didn't leave her to roam the house on her own.

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