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My 84 year old mother just received a phone call from a person purporting to be from Malaysian Airlines. They tell her she is going to receive $1,900-00 compensation, she hangs up.
How low can the maggots get?
How stupid do they think we are?
I get about 3 calls a week from scammers from India.
I used to see how long I could keep them on the line but now just tell them to f off
I got an e-mail from the "FBI" claiming that there was Nigerian money at Kennedy airport with my name on it, and I could be involved in charges of "money laundering" if I didn't call the "agent" whose phone number was on the e-mail, within 72 hours! Now when the hell does the FBI give a possible suspect 3 days to "beat feet" and maybe get out of the country?? You know damn well that if it was for real, they'd be knocking on my door!! Want to bet that if I called, they'd only need my bank account numbers to confirm that nothing had been deposited in my name and that I was "in the clear"?? It's been weeks now, and no FBI agent has "come a knocking"!
The ones I get pretend they are from Microsoft & want to get access to my puter...
or another lot say they are from my internet provider & need to get into my computer...
& tell me to shut up & listen to them...
It is surprising that something more isn't done to shut these parasites down.
Hi, Carl: I'm sure the FBI gets plenty of calls about this need to add to their jobs. A friend of mine is one of the police dispatchers in my town and he gets this type of thing on a regular basis. I'll have to tell you about the one I got from the "First National Bank of Nigeria" sometime. Jim
Got a letter the other day telling me to call for all my airline points, or whatever, worth 2, 3, 4, or whatever thousand dollars. First, I haven't flown in years, second, it came from US Airlines..................I've only heard of US Airways. They just never give up!!!
The "village idiot" is in name only..................!! Jim