Copied from our old forum.
I think the stock headlight on my T100's are less than adequate. I have installed brighter bulbs and that does help. My opinion is the reflector is the culprit. If I adjust the low beam properly; the high beam is only useful for spotting birds and airplanes. If I adjust the high beam properly, the low beam is only good for lighting the area immediately in front of my tire. I have reached a compromise in adjusting that makes both beams do somewhat of what they are supposed to do.
Someone posted on another forum about converting the stock head lamp to a sealed beam. Several folks have done this mod and posted that they are satisfied. Here are the instructions.
I have done this and am pleased with the results.
I think the stock headlight on my T100's are less than adequate. I have installed brighter bulbs and that does help. My opinion is the reflector is the culprit. If I adjust the low beam properly; the high beam is only useful for spotting birds and airplanes. If I adjust the high beam properly, the low beam is only good for lighting the area immediately in front of my tire. I have reached a compromise in adjusting that makes both beams do somewhat of what they are supposed to do.
Someone posted on another forum about converting the stock head lamp to a sealed beam. Several folks have done this mod and posted that they are satisfied. Here are the instructions.
Any H6024 7" halogen will work; but it doesn't have the city light (parking light). The city light feature is not necessary anyway since you can't turn off your headlights in the US anyway, so just unplug that and tuck the connector away. A H6024 will cost about $15 at any aftermarket automotive supply.
Best of all it is an all-glass sealed beam, easy to clean and won't fog up like some of the composite lamps.
It actually isn't hard to install the sealed beam, I have one on my Speedy right now. For me it was a matter of pride, since we make them I thought it was important that I have one on my bike. The composite lamps are actually made to the same dimensions as the sealed beams, because they have to work in the same applications. The sealed beam has three lugs on the back and the composite has three metal tabs in the same location, either way those three lugs or tabs go under a clip on the chrome light ring to position the light correctly. There is a triangular wire clip you have to wrap around the back of the reflector that clips into the chrome ring also, it can be tricky finding the right location so that all of the points of the clip can tuck into the ring without interfering with the lugs (just pay attention to how you take it off the first time). The contacts are the same so no problem with the plug. Just tuck the city light plug away. The H6024 is a 1 degree down 3 degree right lamp in low beam, and straight ahead in high beam. You will be amazed at how much of the countryside is lit up in high beam. Buy GE if you can, it's all US made.
I have done this and am pleased with the results.