Scottoiler Esystem Chain Oiler

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Scottoiler eSystem Chain Oiler on a Ducati ST3.

My first bike, a ’68 Triumph, had a primitive chain oiler. Metered oil was drawn off the oil tank return line and a small amount was then diverted onto the chain via a drip line on the rear-wheel torque stay. It certainly oiled the chain but the errant spray also oiled my girlfriend’s snow-white jeans. My eager adolescent cure was to simply close the metering needle down and pinch off the supply, since that girlfriend was far more valuable to me at the time than any chain.

I still have that original TR6R but the girl, now someone’s grandmother, is long gone. Well, times have changed and so has chain maintenance. I have four chain-drive bikes and don’t relish maintaining them the vintage Triumph way, so I looked at various systems that promise to avoid the greasy drudgery that was once the norm. Most of the available chain oiling systems promise more than they provide or are incredibly messy. I discovered Scottoilers years ago and I’m a believer.

Let’s discuss some basics. Chains don’t really need “lubrication,” per se. Modern chains are manufactured with adequate lubrication sealed inside the rollers by special O-rings of various designs. Given proper cleaning and tensioning, these chains have much longer service lives. So do they really need an oiling system?

Because of their longevity, perhaps we should think of chain “oilers” more as chain “cleaners.” A light oil coating prevents corrosion, and if just enough oil is dispensed onto the chain, that oil will “fling off” the abrasive grit that eventually degrades the rubber ring seals on modern chains.

Before the eSystem, that precise amount of oil was impossible to control. Too little failed to do the job and too much was just messy.

Scottoiler eSystem digital display.

The eSystem pumps proprietary oil from a reservoir onto the sprocket close to the chain run. The system is activated by a three-axis accelerometer that detects the bike’s motion and provides oil at a pre-determined rate only while the bike is moving. Oil is pumped rather than gravity-fed, so there is no drooling when stationary. A multifunctional digital display provides data including oil flow rate, oil reservoir level, ambient temperature and motion sensor activity.

Scottoiler offers two types of oil depending on ambient air temps. Traditional oil, the blue label, is for ambient temps of 32-90 degrees F. The high-temp red label is for hotter climes, 70-104 F. Here in the San Diego area, I routinely use the standard blue label with no problems. Hotter in your area? Simply choose the high-temp oil, which is slightly thicker.

Once the system is installed and metering is set, it’s a set-and-forget system. Metering is easy, and comprehensive directions are provided. The system will even tell you when the reservoir gets low. “Fling-off” is minimal. The rear rim stays remarkably clean and chain life is extended. New features include the addition of a capacitor to avoid losing the settings on bikes due to sudden voltage spikes on start up, as well as minor modifications to the screen and buttons to improve reliability.

My 2004 Ducati has had one chain replacement and I still ride on the original sprockets. Fill the Scottoiler. Set the Scottoiler. Adjust the drive chain tension as needed. This is a good product; it does exactly what it claims.

By Rider Magazine.
Much good has been printed and spoken about the Scottoiler in particular, but I have never been enthused enough to install one.
I take good care of my chains and easily get 40,000+ km's out of them.
On a road trip I carry an aerosol can of lube.

My 1970 Triumph T100S has the automatic chain oiler, but I removed the tube and blocked off the oil tank outlet.
I don't have a girlfriend and never carry a passenger, but I wasn't going to have the oil fling all over my bike.
I prefer to take the time to clean the chains and lube them.

I'm still using a standard Renold chain on the Triumph, but have fitted a D.I.D. X-ring chain to the BSA Victor Roadster.
When the time comes I will fit an X-ring chain to the Triumph too.
I didn't think a modern chain would fit these bikes (everybody said they won't fit - too big), but the measurements are only a slight bit bigger than a standard chain and will fit easily.
I was assured by fellows on a BSA Gold Star site that it would fit the Victor and it does.
But it is true that some of the O-ring chains are too big and will rub.

Here it is brand new - and yes I did get kidded about my "gold" chain BGRIN

I have used an earlier version of the scottoiler and it worked well.I also,had a primitive chainoiler think it was called a Totana or similar,this one you had to remember to switch on and off,off course I regularly forgot to,switch it off returning to find a pool of oil under the bike and an empty cylinder.
Browsing an online handbook for the America triumph say lube the chain every 200 miles,yeah right,with no center stand riding on your own,WTF!!
Well believe this or not, I'm on my 2nd chain with my Thunderbird and I've just checked my records and I'm on 24000 miles with this current chain and it shows no sign of ware at this time, I regularly clean my chain with paraffin, and always make sure my chain is lubed after a ride so the wax soaks in. Chris has a scottoiler on his Tiger and seems to like it. I like Rocky, always carry a can of chain lube with me, I've never had any problems.
I made my own once and it worked quite well i had it on my xr600 and it was easy to make , a small pop bottle , length of clear tube , a small peace of brake pipe and some cable ties and yes i will do a thread on the making of it one day.
also i have a tip for all you scotoiler owners instead of buying the expensive chain lube a litre at a time a gallon or 5 litre can of chainsaw chain oil its cheap and lasts longer and it dose just as good a job as the proper stuff !!!

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