Sad Got Put Away

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Tiger Rider
Staff member
Supporting Member
If you live in Canada or any country that experiences harsh winters, you get the non joy of storing your bike annually for the winter months. Today was THAT day. Yup! It was a sad day indeed. The annual change the oil, remove the battery, clean it up and all the 'other' stuff required for long term storage.
Is there any more unhappy Emojis I could post?
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Yeah, I went through the same thing a few days ago.
We enjoyed a very mild October right into November, but I figured I had pushed the season far enough and bit the annual winter storage bullet too.
I did it just in the nick of time because the weather changed overnight.
I guess i am lucky, around here it almost never gets to bad to ride except for a short period of time. It is going to be 32F tonight for the first time in i don't know when, may sound good but our summers are hot as hell with the humidity we have, no matter where you live there always is a catch. If i were rich i would have a better attitude.
Well I did get to take it for a short ride before storing it. Had to fill the fuel tank with some fresh high test and warm the oil up prior to changing it. Was a balmy +2 Celsius and the cold West wind didn't make it any more pleasant. Good thing it was only a couple of Kms up to the gas station.
I know it's not the same but I'm starting to understand how y'all up north feel. Jessica has been getting neglected so much these pass two years that I should probably be flogged for it.

As I said, it's not the same as y'all go thru. Yours happens every year, mine is work and health induced neglect. I'm on shift 13 of a 15 shift run that was originally supposed to only be a 3 shift run. The whole time I've been working the weather has been near perfect riding weather. I was surprised to have my long weekend off this weekend but now I will have to work Sunday when the weather once again is supposed to be near perfect. I will be off Monday but they are saying the weather is taking a turn for the worse late Sunday night.
Well don't that s**k Hemi? Your work schedule and riding schedule are a little mixed up. Sorry to hear. Hope your shifts get better so you can enjoy some quality riding time.
ye work is some times just a bloody pian in the ass ! ..... you look forward to your days off and when they come your either to tired and cant be bothered or the weather just wont play ball .
This latest work run wasn't scheduled but had to be done because we are short-staffed by 1 person, the boss let a cry baby off while another was on vacation that had been scheduled all year. There was only two of us left that is qualified for the position and union rules state a management employee qualified at the controls on our units must be in the plant, the union doesn't want union hands on the controls.

We can't promote or hire another qualified management employee to fill our vacancy due to staffing levels are at the total allotment. We were told we would have to make do with the four of us until there is an opening allowing for another on the controls. We have two union hands getting ready to retire after the first of the year and one of those slots is rumored to be filled with another qualified management employee.

They have been told that there is three of us control qualified employees getting ready to retire in the next two to three years but there's been no push to get anyone ready to step up. In order to feel comfortable and knowledgeable enough to run the place takes at least 5 years but they, plant upper management and corporate management, don't seem to be listening. We have actually heard the plant manager make the statement that morale and survey results will improve once the older folks are gone. If he keeps talking like that, he just might find out what it's like to run this place without the older folks, it won't be pretty.
This latest work run wasn't scheduled but had to be done because we are short-staffed by 1 person, the boss let a cry baby off while another was on vacation that had been scheduled all year. There was only two of us left that is qualified for the position and union rules state a management employee qualified at the controls on our units must be in the plant, the union doesn't want union hands on the controls.

We can't promote or hire another qualified management employee to fill our vacancy due to staffing levels are at the total allotment. We were told we would have to make do with the four of us until there is an opening allowing for another on the controls. We have two union hands getting ready to retire after the first of the year and one of those slots is rumored to be filled with another qualified management employee.

They have been told that there is three of us control qualified employees getting ready to retire in the next two to three years but there's been no push to get anyone ready to step up. In order to feel comfortable and knowledgeable enough to run the place takes at least 5 years but they, plant upper management and corporate management, don't seem to be listening. We have actually heard the plant manager make the statement that morale and survey results will improve once the older folks are gone. If he keeps talking like that, he just might find out what it's like to run this place without the older folks, it won't be pretty.
An all too common scenario FACE
I am into winter shiftwork now, so I know the pain of trying to juggle life, work, family and personal needs/wants.
And yes, Hemi, upper management do NOT realize the experience they will lose when the 'old guys' walk out the door. They think it will be, "poof" and a experienced operator will be hired with no problems.
I think management does realize the "Knowledge Drain" they suffer when those experienced people retire. But the days of pre-training the replacements has gone away with the 8-track tape, to be replaced, by the "all-knowing" MBA's, with the practice of running a "fiscally tight ship." The thought is that there isn't enough money available to train an extra person, so they will wait until the retirement and try to obtain a qualified person then, hopefully, not thinking too much about the alternative. If there isn't enough money to train a body before the retirement takes place, then where will the money come from to train that new person, and pay for problems that will likely result from their inexperience?

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