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Hey Carl,

Haven't talked in a while. How's Mae Lyne doing? Haven't seen anything on the site. Hope all is well.

Winter has set in here in MS and my '04 Bonnie is in the garage for now. I took all of your advice last time on the bafflectomy. Instead of an extended rod with a hole bit for the remaining inner baffles though, I used a 3/4" steel punch rod and it did a great job. Sound is much better. I had already removed the air inj. system, put in a UNI filter, removed the snorkle, put in a bell mouth polaris, and rejeted the main to 120- did not rejet the pilot. Also put in one shim on the needles.

Question now is: I'm thinking about doing the "do it yourself" removoval of the air box by cutting it down with a dremel (will save around $250 for a kit). I got nice instructions from Tommy Turbo on the RAT forum with good pics. My question is twofold.  Is the removal (the do it yourself) going to actually boost the hp. I've read conflicting forums, but most seemed to indicate you would gain 5-8 hp with the removal and installation of cone filters. I hope my gutting my stock pipes will give enough air flow. Second question: if I do the cutting or purchase a kit and do it correctly, will this still work if down the road I do the big bore?

A lot to digest, my guru, but I would appreciate your opinion.

Ronnie in MS

P.S. I'm trying to ride in the rain, but still a bit wimpy about it.
