Remember When ........

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No matter how old you are there will always be a time when you think to yourself "I remember when"

For myself I grew up in a small town and only left when I started work for the big city. So I can remember plenty of great times had in the small community of Qeenstown.

Queenstown was founded in 1853. It was intended to be a military outpost designed to protect the British subjects from attack during the time of the Frontier wars. The town was laid out around a central hexagon, which was to be the lager to which the citizens would flee in time of trouble.


As can be seen by the above photo we were always close to the bush and mountains so many hours was spent in the bush with your friend just exploring or having fun in general. Even in my high school days when I then owned my Yamaha RT1 360 I would spend hours just riding in the bush.

It was an outpost formed by the then settlers so it has many historical building still standing and I think this is what makes me enjoy seeing photos of others when they post up these historical buildings. Queenstown, South Africa - Wikipedia

The historical Hexagon, where the six main streets of the town meet at the Gardens.

Hexagonal shape, designed by its founder, Sir George Cathcart (1853), as a precaution against attack.

QUEENSTOWN - The Hexagon.jpg

The old City Hall


The old Post Office


War Memorial 1899-1902


Memorial to the men who died on the battlefields of Europe


St Michael & All Angels Anglican Church (1882)


Wesley Methodist Church (1880)


Dutch Reformed Church (1924)

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