So I am inspecting the bike and cleaning it up, polishing, etc. I found on the bottom right header pipe about and 2" x 1" scrape and some scraping on the frame back near the swing arm. I can't really see any other damage and the bike tracks straight. I bought this at a Honda Dealer. I looks the person might have ran over something. I was thinking of taking it to the Triumph dealer for an inspection. I was a little freaked out thinking I bought I crashed bike, but it doesn't look like it was crashed, but that someone ran over a curb or rock or something and then put the bike away and that's why it has 1800 miles on it and is a 2013. It is very clean, not a scratch on it. I was going to talk to my insurance company and see if they can run the VIN and see if there's any history of a claim. Not sure if that is even available. Any comments.