I've built laced wheels for motorcycles since 1974. I can give some time saving tips here.
1. Have a clean bench top to work with.
2. Have everything you need in advance.
3. place the hub in the middle, and thread the spokes in.
4. Next, move spokes to their proper position (zipties can help keep them from moving.)
5. Shim the outer rim to the correct height (offset) before you start threading nipples on.
6. Feed the spoke ends into the appropriate holes in the rim.
7. Be sure of your "cross 3 or 4" pattern. (The more spokes you cross, the stronger your wheel shall be.)
8. Start at the Schrader valve hole for reference. You always want to have a referance point.
9. I usually start with the Schrader valve at 9 o'clock, then thread on a nipple @ 3 o'clock.
10. Work threading the nipples on loosely directly across from each other. Similar to bolt tightening on something that requires a sequence for even tension.
11. Double check the spoke angle fits the rim hole angle.
12. Most wheels are 36 spoke. 18 outside the hub flange, 18 inside the flange.
13. Measure the rim distance to the flange edge in numerous points (like a clock.) Get them even on both sides of the wheel.
14. True by loosening the spoke on one side and tightening the spoke on the other side. Forgot to mention~ use 60wt engine oil on the threads as this will help keep the spokes from twisting/binding.
Crap, somethings burning in the kitchen...gotta go!