Florida has been in a severe drought. We were about 15" (31 cm) below normal in our area for our average rainfall. This drought extended form Lake Okeechobee all the way to Atlanta, Georgia. That came to screeching halt Sunday afternoon.
I had just gotten home from a ride Sunday when severe thunderstorms moved in. As of midnight last night, we had received 6.4 inches (16.3 cm) of rain. Some locations have gotten over 12 inches (+30 cm). I had a PGR mission in Orange Park (near Jacksonville) on Monday and I had to be there by 08:00. I got up at 04:00 and took a look at the weather forecast and radar - I elected to cage. I called my riding partner and told I would pick him up in my truck. We hit rain for about half of the 138 miles (222 km) to Orange Park.
On the return trip, we were in rain all but about five miles of the trip. And some of it was severe - heavy rain and lightening popping. I'm not one who avoids riding in the rain; but I do try avoid the lightning. I'm not keen on being a rolling lightning rod. I was glad I elected to cage.
Yesterday, Tuesday, we had moderate to hard rain all day long and today we have an 80% chance of rain to include thunderstorms. This is my third day without riding and I am getting edgy. However, we need every drop of the rain we are being blessed with. Though some of the folks who unwisely built or bought in low locations probably do not feel very blessed. They are getting flooded.
It looks like our rainy season has arrived and our rain deficit has been cut 70%.
I had just gotten home from a ride Sunday when severe thunderstorms moved in. As of midnight last night, we had received 6.4 inches (16.3 cm) of rain. Some locations have gotten over 12 inches (+30 cm). I had a PGR mission in Orange Park (near Jacksonville) on Monday and I had to be there by 08:00. I got up at 04:00 and took a look at the weather forecast and radar - I elected to cage. I called my riding partner and told I would pick him up in my truck. We hit rain for about half of the 138 miles (222 km) to Orange Park.
On the return trip, we were in rain all but about five miles of the trip. And some of it was severe - heavy rain and lightening popping. I'm not one who avoids riding in the rain; but I do try avoid the lightning. I'm not keen on being a rolling lightning rod. I was glad I elected to cage.
Yesterday, Tuesday, we had moderate to hard rain all day long and today we have an 80% chance of rain to include thunderstorms. This is my third day without riding and I am getting edgy. However, we need every drop of the rain we are being blessed with. Though some of the folks who unwisely built or bought in low locations probably do not feel very blessed. They are getting flooded.
It looks like our rainy season has arrived and our rain deficit has been cut 70%.