Pleasant Surprise!

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This morning, working away in the cottage in my garden, a couple of strangers arrived at the gate. I had no idea what they wanted but went out to chat to them and find out whether they needed help - they're a husband and wife and looked a little emotional so off I went to chat to them.

Turns out, her father built this house. The cottage where I have my practise was her dad's medical practise. She, Stephanie, was born in this house 61 years ago, and on her first birthday, planted a little acorn outside where our front gate is today. That is massive old oak that still stands guard at our front gate today! I always estimated the house and tree to be around 60 years old and today, it was proven. The architect was Van Achtenberg and his signature was arched leaded windows and arched doorways - which we still have in the house.

She told me that there was a huge fruit orchard in the back yard but this isn't there now - I think the property has been sub-divided over the years down to the size it is today, but I'd love to have those trees. Pears, figs, lemons, peaches and mulberries. I have a lemon tree and a monstrous size mulberry tree but that's about it.

Took her on a tour of the house with all the renovations and extensions that have been done over the years and to see the excitement and emotion on her face, was priceless. Her dad, 92, lives not far away but because his health is ailing, he can't come for a visit.

What a wonderful surprise that was and what a way to get Monday underway - pity FS wasn't here to meet them.
Very nice. That was kind of you TUP
I had a similar experience a some years ago. After 50 years I went back to the farm where I was born and lived until I was 13. It's about two hours away from the city where I live now so had no reason to go back there. But one day I was out on my bike and decided to take a look.
The farm house is still mostly standing, but stripped of the veranda and extensions. The barns and out buildings are gone and replaced by a housing development.
I should have stayed away and kept the childhood memories.
I agree Rocky - sometimes it's better to stay away and preserve the memories. I was really glad to hear that much of the original house is still intact including the huge fireplace we have and what was her bedroom is still 'as is' with it's arched windows. She loved the changes we've made and restored so I'm glad she was able to go away with a good feeling knowing her childhood home is loved and cared for!
That is so cool for you and them. I always make a point to ride past my childhood home when I visit the old town. From the outside the house looks just about the same as when I lived in it
You did a nice thing and now the lady will have new and fond memories.
The part about the oak tree reminded me of a maple tree I transplanted when I bought this house 49 years ago. The former owner just let trees sprout where the seeds landed and I was reclaiming the property.
It was just a twig, but nicely shaped. Rather and just detroy it I transplanted it closer to the house. Now, 49 years later it's a giant shade tree.

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