In the link above is a wrist bracelet on which you can list personal and/or medical info should you be unable to speak for yourself after a crash.
I carry a card in my wallet with such info and tell anyone I ride with that it's there. If I'm alone this might not be so readily available to an EMT.
Fortunately, I have no medical problems and take no meds.
What brought this up is a recent article in a Canadian bike magazine that was about being prepared for emergencies, along with dealing with insurance companies, wearing ATGATT, etc., etc.
The ID bracelet in the article was shown and got me thinking what a good idea this was since I often like to ride alone and many times very far from home.
I did a Google search for wrist ID bracelets and found this bracelet along with many similar ones.
If all goes well this summer I plan to take at least three overnight rides by myself and think this bracelet is probably a good idea. Like all types of insurance, you buy it and pray you never have to use it.
In the link above is a wrist bracelet on which you can list personal and/or medical info should you be unable to speak for yourself after a crash.
I carry a card in my wallet with such info and tell anyone I ride with that it's there. If I'm alone this might not be so readily available to an EMT.
Fortunately, I have no medical problems and take no meds.
What brought this up is a recent article in a Canadian bike magazine that was about being prepared for emergencies, along with dealing with insurance companies, wearing ATGATT, etc., etc.
The ID bracelet in the article was shown and got me thinking what a good idea this was since I often like to ride alone and many times very far from home.
I did a Google search for wrist ID bracelets and found this bracelet along with many similar ones.
If all goes well this summer I plan to take at least three overnight rides by myself and think this bracelet is probably a good idea. Like all types of insurance, you buy it and pray you never have to use it.