Performance Awards

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Performance Awards were handed out on our ride today.

They say you meet the nicest people on a Honda. I guess that goes for riding with a Honda also. The Grimes County Sherrif's Deputy was so impressed with the Honda that he turned on his Christmas Tree lights and did a U-Turn in front of me (I was a safe distance away from him) so he could talk to the Honda and Harley. His comment was that I was "Good" since he only had two targets on his radar and I was third.


On the bright side, both riders only got warnings.
He could have thrown the book at us. We were 17 over the speed limit, 87 in a 70.
I think (depending on the cop, local policy and his mood that day) there may be a tendency to take it easy on more mature riders.
He may have been far less tolerant if you were 20 years-old.

6-7 years ago I was pulled over because the officer said his radar read 123 kph (76 mph) in a 110 (69 mph) zone.
I was riding my old BSA at an indicated 55 mph which is quite accurate. I don't know if the old girl will go 76 mph or not BGRIN
It was on a four-lane and I would normally never take the old girl out on such a road, but it was a new section just opened so I wanted to sample it just between two exits.
I think he was out to nab some young punk biker, but when he saw how old I was (73) and how old the bike is, he quickly took a soft approach and wrote me a warning.
He was a young officer about 30 or so (and never heard of a BSA) and took a maternal interest cautioning me to be careful when I pulled back out on the road, to make sure I buckled my helmet tight, etc.
It was all very cordial and the only time in about 55 years of driving/riding that I have ever been stopped.
I still have the written warning BGRIN
As has already been said, he seemed like a copper who just wanted to remind your friends of their speed, rather than nick them.
I was just getting ready to drop a gear, close the gap just as they went around the corner and blow past them on the other side. But that was when I saw the white Tahoe hit the shoulder and that could only mean one thing.
I think it serves as a reminder that just coz your out in the wilds dosn't mean your on your own !!
and i suppose speeding is speeding and you take your chances when you twist the throttle , your freinds got away with it this time but maybe next time they wont be so lucky .

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