Paul McCartney turns 70 today

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Still Rocking
Supporting Member
It only seems like yesterday that the "mop tops" came to North America and took the Ed Sullivan show by storm.
And now here is Paul McCartney turning 70.
I look fairly youthful for my age, but I have some grey hair around the edges. Paul has none.
I wonder why that is? :y15: :y15: :y15:
I always liked the Beatles well enough, but I was never an over-the-top rabid fan. I didn't buy any of their records and was content to hear them on the radio - and still enjoy them today.
Paul held a concert last year here in Halifax and some of my younger friends went. I really wasn't that interested in going, but he puts on a great show from all accounts.
My wife and Paul share the same birthday only she's some years younger. On the 18th of June each year I always wake and look at her and say "Happy birthday Paul". It's a family joke.BLUSH
I to have been a beatles fan since way back
He is a very talented man and has provided me with many hours of listening pleasure over the years.
I hope he has many more birthdays.
I'm the youngest in my family and with age gaps of 16 years between me and the eldest, I was the 'toy' in the house. So the bigguns taught me to twist, jive and do the "hippy hippy shake" to the Beatles at a very 'tender' age. Actually, most of the music I love and listened to was influenced by my older siblings and thank heavens for that! When my school mates were listening to ABBA (yuck) I was into Santana, Grateful Dead, Jethro Tull etc etc

Loved the Beatles then and love the Beatles now. :y2:
ye happy birthday paul , im not a big beatles fan! but do like a lot of there songs , im more of a stones fan.
my mum on the other hand was a huge beatles fan ,and has an exstensive collection of original singles and albums on vinyl .

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