Travis Pastrana replicates three of Evel Knievel’s most famous jumps in one night
As a kid Evil was my IDOL--- had the toyus the lunch box the Bicycle ---- complete with large fake plastic "tank" to look like a bike and to make it TOO DAMN HEAVY TO JUMP--- much like the Harleys EVIL ACTUALLY RODE!!!! buwahahahaha
Well done Travis -- in good form-- good taste and in proper tribute to the man that destroyed himself making STUNTS ----cool.....and profitable!
As a kid Evil was my IDOL--- had the toyus the lunch box the Bicycle ---- complete with large fake plastic "tank" to look like a bike and to make it TOO DAMN HEAVY TO JUMP--- much like the Harleys EVIL ACTUALLY RODE!!!! buwahahahaha
Well done Travis -- in good form-- good taste and in proper tribute to the man that destroyed himself making STUNTS ----cool.....and profitable!