Pastrana breaks 3 Evil records-----in ONE NIGHT!!!!

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Travis Pastrana replicates three of Evel Knievel’s most famous jumps in one night

As a kid Evil was my IDOL--- had the toyus the lunch box the Bicycle ---- complete with large fake plastic "tank" to look like a bike and to make it TOO DAMN HEAVY TO JUMP--- much like the Harleys EVIL ACTUALLY RODE!!!! buwahahahaha


Well done Travis -- in good form-- good taste and in proper tribute to the man that destroyed himself making STUNTS ----cool.....and profitable!
I recorded the program and skipped through much of the chatter between jumps.
I had no doubts that he would complete all the jumps without incident.
Back in the Evel days there was a lot of "guessing" about angles, speed, etc., but he went for it anyway. I can't believe the number of bones he broke and still survived.
These days, Travis' team have it all worked out mathematically so there wasn't much chance that he would crash.
Indian motorcycles certainly got their moneys worth of advertising BGRIN
So much hype was made of the bike and its weight, but I knew it was all hype.
Travis riding through the streets of Vegas was quite entertaining BGRIN
Travis is a hell of a rider as well !..... but they didn't have computers working it all out for Evil as you say Rocky .... HE JUST WENT OUT THERE AND DID IT WITH GUTS .
travis-pastrana-evel-kniev complete with large fake plastic "tank" to look like a bike and to make it TOO DAMN HEAVY TO JUMP--- much like the Harleys EVIL ACTUALLY RODE!!!! buwahahahaha

Some of his first jumps and the fountain failure were actually on a Bonneville.


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