Ouch! - or Why I avoid the Dragon except for weekdays

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Charter Member #3
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Rider error all the way.

1. Look at the camera and wave. Don't look at where you are going.

2. Target fixation. Don't look at where you want to to go.

3. Stand the bike up in the corner. Get on the brakes. Don't get on the throttle and lean the bike.

4. Take out a Corvette

5. Total your nice Thunderbird.

Wear cargo pants instead of protective gear. I wonder how his pavement rash is doing?


Look through the photos beginning with photo # 1. The real action starts at Photo # 10.
I wonder if when he finally decided to lean the bike into the turn if he didn't scrape the bottom of the bike or the pipes on the pavement which caused him to go upright?

Regardless......had he been paying attention to the curve ahead, he'd not have had to lean the bike as far.
I feel sorry for the guy in the Corvette,at least he doesn't seem to have been hurt.
Don't like the way the front rim separated from the hub!
I noticed that wheel. I, too, feel sorry for for the driver of the 'Vette. He was innocent of anything and the recipient of the T-Bird rider's very poor decisions.
Definitely playing to the camera and not "riding". I saw this on another venue and wondered if that wasn't a Triumph. Good to know I'm starting to catch on.:y2:
I saw this at several forums. Seems it's viral. This guy broke one of my most important of not THE most important rules....never under any circumstances take your eyes off your line in a curve. I'm guilty now and then myself, especially at this one ride i often do where like in these pics/video theres a camera guy that shoots pics and posts them online. It's hard to not ! But you must. Either that or slow way down which is what i do if i absolutely have to look at something. But in a curve it takes probably a few hundredths of a sec and you're doomed.

By the way, i said pics/video because someone took the pics and make a video out of it. Forgot which forum tho.
Funny you mention taking your eyes off the line in a curve as while riding in a group a couple years ago I was in a curve and had a sneezing attack. I must have sneezed 4-5 times in rapid succession. When the sneezes stopped I was over in the oncoming lane! At the next stop those behind me were kidding me about what the heck I was doing. :)

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR
Never pick it up.
The bikes capabilities are usually beyond those of the rider.
Get on the brakes by all means but keep turning.If nothing else,if you do manage to lean it beyond the limit of adhesion,a low-side will probably hurt less than a high-side or t-bone.

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