Emulsification indicates a buildup of condensation, ESPECIALLY bad on shared-cavity later bikes. If there's emulsified oil in the primary, it's also in the engine and main frame cavities.
You MUST run the bike to full operating temperature, then a minimum of 30 minutes at that temperature, to ensure you've burned off ONE "sit time" worth of condensation! If it's been sitting, then only started, then sits, the maybe run around the block, then sits, it's actually BUILDING UP MORE condensation, NOT burning it off!
Simply starting the engine every few weeks is possibly one of the WORST things to do!
A quick "heat" cycle (not to full operating temperature) will cause a condensation cycle to occur as it cools back off.
Even starting the bike and riding around the neighborhood to "keep it from getting stale" isn't enough. Condensation will not start to vaporize until it reaches 212F, then must be sustained at that temperature long enough for ALL of the condensate to boil off.
...and IF you are burning off lots of condensate, you're ALSO running that condensate through your bearings and all other wear surfaces!
Better to dump the winter oil, flush the system, and start fresh.