My local dealer found me one, black not chrome sadly. I picked it up yesterday.
Very, very good advice. I've been through shoulder surgery and months of physio so stick with the program and put some effort into it. The results will be well worth it.Mal, also wishing you a speedy recovery as i too have had shoulder surgery, the key to my fitness was due to the therapy i participate in. Be sure to do as much as you can stand it will really pay off!
A very similar story of my injury.YES -- DO THE THERAPY. I fell off a ladder at work some years back. The idiot company doctor said: "Light duty" and sent me back to work. Still sore, I went on a 1000 mile motorcycle trip with 16 other riders to Laguna Seca. Weeks later, still painful, had it checked by MY doctor. He told me I had cracked the socket and chipped the ball on the upper end of the arm bone. I went off on disability, had physical therapy (very uncomfortable) and it is now better than the one I did NOT injure. I am almost 74 and still ticking. HAVE THE THERAPY ! ...J.D.
They come in black or "chrome" plated plastic. Since rear fender sticks out so far, they get bashed when backing up. Seems like every Thunderbird rear fender, (mudguard), I've ever seen is bent at stiffener underneath at sides. Fender is also about 3 inches too longFor my 97 Thunderbird 900.