Not Looking Forward To The Weekend............

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Still Rocking
Supporting Member
..........or early next week as Hurricane Matthew appears that he may track up the east coast towards us.
It's still early yet, but we are more than a little concerned after what Juan did to us in the city and the entire county in 2003. Hundreds and hundreds of trees came down and here in the city we were without power for a week - much longer in some areas.
I lost two trees on my city property, and it was only by some miracle that they didn't hit any buildings.
I was also lucky at my cottage property and didn't lose any trees. The cottages and buildings are set amongst old growth forest amid giant towering trees. It's a wonderful and typical Canadian setting, but when a storm comes we worry about the strength of the trees.
I had two remaining old maple trees on my city property that could easily do severe damage to me or my neighbours if they came down so I reluctantly had both taken down last summer.
I hated to see them go because I love trees, but it was a smart decision as one had center rot and was begging to come apart in a storm.
Right now it's a waiting game, but whatever happens, we can't do anything about it except prepare for the worst.
We'll have to wait and see. I lost a large tree 2 years ago during "Arthur" that almost took out two cars.
Still have some large pine and hemlocks around.
Will be in the Valley this week end to put a new roof on my M-I-L's garage. Hope we get it done on Saturday before the rain and winds hit.
It now appears that due to a large high pressure area over us now, and a cold front pushing against it coming in from the west, that Matthew will be diverted away from us.
If this holds true then we're breathing a sigh of relief - but not complacent until it's over. For once we're very happy to see a cold front coming BGRIN
Unfortunately, those folks in Florida will have to take a licking from him first.
The devastation in the Caribbean islands is terrible to see. So many have so little and even that has been taken away. Very sad indeed!
I hope it goes to the ocean when it makes the turn, some models have turning back S crossing Florida and entering the Gulf, at least the water is a little cooler and its strength will be diminished from crossing Florida, we sure don't anything like that around they are not very trustworthy.
Rocky nice to hear that you might be spared this one as what I have seen it sure is devastating. I am so glad we don't have extreme weather conditions our side.
We're resting a bit easier now, but it looks like we will get some rain on Sunday.
This is a huge storm and the tentacles reach very far even if the storm center is a great distance away.
So far so good, and our fingers are still crossed, but I think it's going to be OK.

I hope everyone in Florida will be safe.
We will be getting some moderate to heavy rain Sunday night into Monday which gives you some idea how far the outer edges of this huge storm reaches.
The cold front that pushed the storm away from us is mixing with the warmer southern air causing heavy rain.
That's OK because we need rain - just not a monsoon, please and thank you BGRIN
That said, I was going to do some riding on the holiday Monday, but that's out now so will just hunker down for the day.

ALL is well in the SWAMP !!! Critters and people accounted for---no damage. East coast folks NOT so lucky but we where very fortunate here......

I personally however was not so lucky ---after moving LOTS of furniture and garden stuff....critter food (50 lb sacks) and many tools and implements of garden destruction into the barn on Thursday--------I awoke friday morning and started my day ----and WHAMO just twisted wrong and my back went OUT ---- dropped me to the floor like I was shot........and have been painfully awaiting the Chiropractor to RE open (closed Friday for Hurricane--that never came) so I can get adjusted back to MY LEVEL of normal......

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