Well as it turned out I was not stuck in the lift that long fortunately. The lift technician was onsite doing repairs to that lift but decided he did not need to place a sign outside the lift saying it was about to go out of service, so he just switched it off with me inside. He did however get an earful when he opened up the doors sort of on the second floor making me having to jump down to the second floor.
Oh for the love of.....
And he calls himself a technician???????
First rule is safety - the public and yourself. Signs, barriers, whatever it takes
I guess we're spoiled over here because of the strict labour laws about site safety to workers and the public.
Here it is just a case of do as you want at that time but I did give him a good go about it and felt much better for it. I am just glad that I was alone in the lift (elevator) at the time. So I sat down on the floor and played on my phone until I was let out the jail
Well I was lucky because if they had to have needed to call out the Technician I would probably be typing this between the first and second floors right now
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