Noob question

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Ok guys, I must be a complete derp because the only categories I can see from my iPhone are member introductions and terms of use. I am using tapatalk for iPhone. Am I missing something, or are there more interesting things in the forum? If no, can someone start one? Like "bikes" or "mods" ?

Thx. I figured there must be more - I mean no one would have a forum with just introductions but thought I would put that out there.
I can get to all the forum topics on my iPhone thru Tapatalk. You might look at the Tapatalk settings to see if there is anything you can change, I don't remember anything I had to change or set up to use mine.
Ok guys, I must be a complete derp because the only categories I can see from my iPhone are member introductions and terms of use. I am using tapatalk for iPhone. Am I missing something, or are there more interesting things in the forum? If no, can someone start one? Like "bikes" or "mods" ?


Until you have made an introduction post those are the only areas you will see. Once this is done the other forum areas will become visible to you as you would have now seen
Well this is the big problem with Tapatalk it does not engage the forum completely. If you had of logged in with a PC you would have seen a notice above this area explaining it all.

Oh and welcome to the forum BBEER

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