Hi York Selby areas anybody recommend ohlins setup specialist.
Brilliant reply trying to avoid pogo over north Yorkshire b roads which I love also 71yr old aches and pains set on initial settings I hope, so will back off compression at first then rebound.OK, sounds like you are afraid of screwing it up. Rest easy, whatever you do, you can undo. The static sag is the amount of droop the suspension has when you sit on the bike. The owner's handbook might have a suggested setting for how much sag to adjust. Since you have a single shock in back (similar to my Trophy, Bobber, and Speed Triple) you adjust that with a spanner by unlocking the lock ring and then spinning the adjuster ring. When the measured sag is in the preferred range, use the lock ring to secure it. Front preload is usually set by the dealer and may need little to no adjustment depending on your weight. The owner's handbook should provide initial settings for the damping rates. Set those to recommended if the dealer hasn't. To soften the ride up from initial settings you'll want to back off compression damping a few clicks. See how it feels and then continue to take damping off until it feels how you like when hitting bumps. Rebound damping is how fast the shock (or forks) extend back to full length. What you are trying to avoid with that is making the suspension pogo over bumps. Playing with the suspension isn't rocket science and anythig you do can be undone the same amount back to starting points. Once you start to understand what your adjustments are doing you'll find there is a lot more fun to be had.