New Logo for Triumph Motorcycles

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Rock & Roll
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Jan 5, 2006
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With roots as far back as 1885, Triumph Motorcycles is the largest British manufacturer of motorcycles and, apparently, the world’s longest continuous production motorcycle manufacturer despite changes of ownership and including going into receivership in 1983. Triumph designs and produces a range of motorcycles from ones that go vroom-vroom really fast and others that go vroom-vroom to make you look like a bad-ass. (This should clarify my expertise in bikes). At the end of 2013, Triumph introduced a revised logo and new emblem designed by the London office of Wolff Olins with typographic assistance by Rick Banks.

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I must have seen the new version I don't know how many times but it only struck me when I read this :y10:
I definitely prefer the old version.
Really didn't notice,that's how important it is.
Wonder how much they spent on it?
If you look at it on the modern bikes it does not look that bad at all

Fortunately I have the older logo on my 2012 Tiger.

I don't know I like them both and it would not worry me what one I had on my bike.
It does not worry me at all; I just like the older style better.
Well for me it's in this order
1 Logo 1.jpg
2Logo 2.jpg
3Logo 3.jpg
Can't think why they wanted to change No 2 again. I like that one a lot better than No 3. But for me No 1 will always be my favorite.
But I must confess to not noticing any change in the logo till I saw it mentioned here. It wouldn't put me off buying an 800 Tiger
Well I guess I'm like the rest of you, I didn't notice it either until seeing the original post. I like the LARGE T over the equal sized one. I wouldn't base by decision to purchase due to the size of the T.
I am with most of you, to me it won't bother me out of my mind, but it will be a niggle. The logo don't make or break the bike, the Triumph brand in my opinion is very strong if not the strongest with so much diversity for everybody's taste, and not to mention the endless mods and personal touches they are capable of.
I do prefer the larger "T" too.
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