Neutral Switch Location

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I have a 2019 scrambler 900. It seems my neutral switch is not working as I have no neutral light and bike will not start. Everything else is functioning.

Would anyone be able to point me to the location of it? I’m looking to replace it but can’t seem to locate it. My older bikes are on the bottom of the case.

Im sorry but im not familiar with the twin motor but there are plenty of owners on here , so im sure some one will be able to help .
I do know that the switch is of the square verity and has two small bolts holding it on .
The neutral switch will have a wire running to it. The wire is probably a colored wire with a spade on the end. On my 98 Trophy it was under the left side. Try this, with the bike in neutral put the kickstand up, pull in the clutch and try to start the engine.
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If it helps, here is where the neutral switch is on my 2011 Bonneville T100 (view from below):
(Avant de la moto = Front of the bike;
Côté droit = Right side;
Filtre à huile = Oil filter;
Il est ici = It's here!)

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