My Friends Suzuki Intruder 800

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Went to see a friend yesterday for lunch,guess we rode a few trips together when I had my Versys 650 and he rode a black America LT.Probably influenced me.
He had a dalliance with a V Strom 650 but now owns the above Suzuki.He is a perfectionist and has fitted a nice screen,soft panniers,backrest etc.
He asked if I had my sunglasses,yes I did,he had polished the chrome to within an inch of its life,the red and black paint looked superb.
I sat,comfortable!,I lifted off the side stand,that's Ok.We then went in for lunch,roast lamb,lovely.I was thinking,my bad shoulder could manage this,how does it compare to my yet to meet America?
Gary, how much does the Suzuki weigh?He didn't know,looked in the book 277 kgs!! WTF.
I am sure now,me and the Bonnie will get along just fine,happy days.
I'm thinking of a 650 V Strom in September, I can't afford a new Tiger, it's the 4 years interest free credit and the fact he'll take my 18 year old DR350 off me for £1000. Could be a blue one on the way with all the boxes and gubbings to go with it.
Did he like the 650, good points or bad ??
Garry,he loved it,only reason for the change was he had knee replacement surgery and found it much easier to get on and off the cruiser.
He bought all the boxes and rigged the V Strom out very well with the intention of doing lots of touring,our French bike club is called Tourdregs!! But like me he is no longer able due to surgery,age etc. able to sleep well under canvas.
He loved the V Strom,similar in many ways to the Kawasaki Versys I had,except of course the Kawa is parallel twin.Fuel consumption was excellent on both bikes,he did say the finish wasn't 100% on the Suzuki but he is a fastidious cleaner and it stayed in superb nick.TheStrom gets really good reviews in every article I have read about it,I rode Gary's and it was a peach of a motor,very soft yet power was there if you wanted to press on,of course that motor has been around for ever starting in the mega popular SV650.Dont think you would go far wrong there,especially with that p/x price!!
My sentiments precisely. I would love the Tiger, but as I've said £1000 for an 18 year old DR350 + 4 years interest free credit ( might as well keep the bulk of my money in my account gaining a bit of interest ) and Suzuki are doing 3 years warranty all at no extra cost.
It's a no brainier really. I test rode it a few weeks back, and whilst it's no Tiger, and never will be, it will do the job of touring with my mate on his Tiger. I will be giving it another go in a month or so's time just to make sure that it's the right bike for me.
I also have never read a bad review about the 650 V Strom, I just want it to tour with in comfort, I've never really been a speed merchant so this for me fits the bill.
My mate has only recently been converted to proper touring since he bought the Tiger about a month ago, he's always had race inspired bikes, and as a result I was always the one taking all his gear on my FJ1200 and also my Thunderbird. He can't wait to go touring on it next year with me, we already have this years tour sorted and that's to Glemseck near Stuttgart for the Cafe racer event. We're taking 2 Suzuki's on my trailer DR350 and his DRZ400, the reason we're doing it this way is because of Chris's operation that he recently had.
When you get you new bike will you re-register it on a French or Portuguese number plate.
Well I'm going to polish the Thunderbird up now, as a week Saturday/Sunday there's a rockers meet at Squire Cafe in Yorkshire that Chris and I want to go to ( As ever weather permitting )
Yes it looks like a no brainier to me also.Hope you had a good polish up??
I have just been polishing my Skyteam Dax 125, bought from a mate who spent loads on it,race pipe,Bridgestones,alloy pegs etc.Sounds and goes really well,not like some of the Chinese junk,but I just don't use it,was going to take to the TT just for fun it will do 70 mph but sure I will prefer the Bonnie there.
So it's up for sale,shame as it is fun.
Which brings me to the Bonnie's registration,both of my chosen countries are a nightmare when it comes to beaurocracy!!Neither of them abide by the correct EU laws,I have lived in France for 15 years in a little old stone cottage and love it BUT having registered many vehicles here it's a minefield.One number wrong on the paperwork and its Gallic shrug and sent away.
Portugal,just recently bought a mobile home there and obtained residency.No hope of ever being fluent in the language at my age far too difficult.However they are kind people who understand that and most speak some English,I am not lazy or expect that it just happens.
I tried to register my Honda 125 scooter,after waiting and hour the dear lady checked all my papers,many in duplicate then asked where was my noise certificate????
Eventually I learnt I Had to ride 2 hrs each way to get and pay for this paper although It has a standard pipe and full Honda certificate of conformity WTF!
So the Bonnie will be UK reg,taxed and insured for my TT trip,then when I regain my strength will register it somewhere else,yet to be decided haha.
Well I've gone and done it, I've sold the DR 350 ( 18 years old ) for almost £1300 he's thrown in the crash bars at almost £200 and a datatage at £89.00, on top of the £1000 that he gave me for the DR and 4 years interest free credit.
I'm getting the white version ( Below ) with all the boxes and centre stand and hand guards and the belly pan. I test rode it again the other day and went on the duel carriageway, and was seriously asking myself if I wanted to do this, well after about 20 mins or so doing lots of things like 70 mph riding, then into villages at 30 mph, trying out the roll on acceleration from 50 mph, then a standing start, then braking ( they were very good indeed ). It all felt just right, the seat felt good too, only time will tell how good that one is mind. I'll be picking it up in about 2 weeks time. I'll have to change the ferry bookings for the 2 trips that I had booked with the Thunderbird and then the car and trailer ( which were to carry the 2 DR's ). Speaking of which I hope that the French problem will be sorted out by the time you get to go home. But for now the TT beckons. ITV 4 have a few programmes coming up next week, so get your friends to record them for you while your away.
I'll post some pictures when I get the White Flash.
Haha,you have definitely made the right move,I have had the first short ride on the Bonnie,love it with a couple of small buts!!Firstly the rider floorboards really get in the way of putting up the kickstand.Fine to flick down but a bugger to put up.Secondly found quite a few loose bolts so gonna be an afternoon on the spanners,want to get it right before leaving for the IOM.
Going back to your new toy,everyone says what a soft but tractable motor it is,should be perfect,found the engine on the America surprisingly peppy,love the sound of the short pipes,strange how it sounds real V twin at low revs but growls like a parallel as the revs rise,think I am in love again.
Re the French problem it's despicable but the French way.I can get from home to St Malo and filled here in UK straight after arriving so can do the same when we return.
Look forward to the pics and will do likewise.
I dare say that I might change a few thing on the V Strom once I get to ride it a bit, once you get it how you like it, it will be even better. Chris my mate with the Tiger, has come up with a few ride outs so I can run it in before I go to Germany in July. I'll be visiting the dams again that the RAF blew up in WW2, I've been before but Chris hasn't. I don't care really, I just love touring on the bike. Then back for about 5 weeks then back to Germany again for Glemseck 101, you may have guessed by now I'm rather fond of Germany. (y)
Well I did 140 English miles on the America yesterday,beautiful day to ride down to visit an old friend who used to come to the TT with us every year until he got Parkinson's about four years ago.It was an emotional reunion but he did manage to sit on my bike which brought a beaming smile to his face!
Love the bike,my riding buddy was on a Duke Hypermotard and asked me what speed I wanted on the motorway section,I said 70/75 is fine,just off tick over with his bike.This did create a little shoulder ache on my return to base.My screen will be fitted on return from the Island.The return was through the beautiful countryside around Salisbury Plain via the back roads up to Andover,I was comfortably keeping behind Roy and for sure for a cruiser she handles the twisties surprisingly well!!The sound of the short pipes is wonderful using the torque out of the corners.
Jury is out on the front boards,couldn't really get my feet exactly where I felt they should be but the next two weeks will resolve this or a change to footpegs is on the horizon.
Have pulled the bars back a little and altered clutch and brake levers so now we are really bonding well!
Pics over the weekend when the bugs are cleaned off.
Looking forward to the pictures, I'm pleased that sitting on your bike brought a smile to your friends face, it made his day I'll bet. Got to live life while you can as you never know what's round the corner. Good that you got so many miles on her already ( At this point the Canadians, Americans and Australians reading their are laughing their heads off at that comment. 140 miles to them is just round the corner ). Been to Salisbury plain when I was in the TA, bloody cold as I remember and chucking down too.
I do like the new vstrom nice looking bike and they both have fantastic vtwin's which are both peaches of engines , and i do like my suzuki's they make great value for money bikes with a lot of extras you have to pay for with other makes .

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