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Hello all; I am back.

I spent three nights and four days with Mae Lyne in the hospital. I went into the bedroom to check on her last Friday about 18:00. She was on the floor unconscious and I could not get her to respond. I put her on the bed and checked her BP. It was way high; but her pulse was only 42. We live only .5 miles from the hospital so I carried her to her truck and drove to the hospital ER. She was admitted late that evening and I stayed right there with her. At that point she was semi conscious; but could not stand up, let only walk. When she passed out she fell and cracked two ribs.

The doc took her off of all meds for 48 hours and gave her potassium via an IV. Her potassium level was critically low. I t seems that one of her meds was depleting her potassium. After 48 hours, the doc reintroduced her meds a lower levels. They determined she was having an allergic reaction to one of her meds and they did not reintroduce that one. She is fine now and we rode yesterday. Her pharmacist actually gave us better info than the hospital did.

When she was in the hospital in late October, her neurologist ordered a sleep deprived EEG to study her seizure activity. The upshot of that was they discovered she has obstructive sleep apnea - which I have known all along. She under went two more sleep studies and she received a CPAP machine Friday afternoon; but she did not a get a chance to use it as she spent the next three nights in the hospital. She has now used the machine three nights and she is a different person. She has actually had normal sleep.

We learned that the sleep apnea lowers the seizure threshold and can actually trigger a seizure. We also learned that it adversely affects the heart and contributes to high BP. Plus, when one never gets into a deep sleep phase, ones body cannot heal/repair itself adequately. Thus her docs are optimistic that she can now reduce her levels of medication and in fact do away with some.

So things are looking up; prayers are being answered.
I was wonder what became of you and I feared it was probably something along these lines.

I'm really sorry to hear it confirmed though.

Good to hear they figured something out that will help.

Tell Mae Lyne the TriumphTalk family is rooting for her!!
I'm sorry you two have gone thru this, but sounds like things are looking up and i sure hope so ! I have high BP and apnea too. It certainly does exactly what you said. At times it's not bad and i get a decent sleep. More often than not tho i don't. I credit years of cardio exercise that has allowed my heart to endure this far. If May Lyne doesn't exercise much, make her ! I was having some serious stroke type symptoms a few months ago. And i had stopped exercising over the last few years for the most part. That shocked me back into it and i have been doing 30-45 minute partially uphill walks every single day w/o fail. gradually the symptoms tailed off and now are all but gone. Exercise is a miracle drug. Mae Lyne will certainly benefit greatly by walking a good 30 minutes a day. I don't know whether she does or not, but if not you should really get her to exercise regularly. Walk with her and it will make it easier for her to keep it up regularly and at the same time it'll condition you too Carl so you can make that alaskan ride in 2011 ! :ya2:
Hey CarlS. What an awful time you guys have been having!! Glad to hear that some reasons have been discovered, which presumably will keep things on a more even keel.

Be well, both of you!


bluddy hell Carl
It never rains but it pours for you guys lately
I hope that this is the end of your run of bad luck and things go well from here on in
please pass on my best wishes to mae lyne
Wow Carl, that was a rough few days for both of you!!!!
Glad to hear that things are back on track.
My wife has many of the same symptoms and conditions so I can appreciate first hand what both of you were going through. We've been through some rough times too, but my wife stable now (for the time being) and doing pretty well.
Thank you, Dale, Silli, Harry, Steve, Rocky, and Gary; I appreciate the care, concern and well wishes.

Dale, she does walk nearly every day; but she has got to do more of it. I, too, need to get back into an exercise routine. I have not done much of that since leaving the Army. My former job required a lot of walking and now I don't have that. You are right; exercise is crucial for good health. You should have a sleep study done and see about getting one of those sleep machines. Based on Mae Lyne's experience, it makes a world of difference for the better. She even uses it if she takes a nap. For the first time in years, she wakes up with no headache, alert, and not groggy and she does not wake up during the night which she was doing even when taking sleeping pills.

Silli, Harry, and Steve, sometimes things have to get bad before they get better. I am optimistic that the docs are on the right track and she will do much better. She is already much more like her old self. I will have her read this thread and I am sure she will respond. I am grateful to still have her with me and that she is doing so much better.

Rocky, I am so pleased to hear that your wife is stable now. That is good news. I appreciate your empathy. You and your bride are in our prayers.

Thanks, Gary, and prayers are definitely being answered. She has had a very rough time.
AJ, Dave, Dale, Silli, Harry, Steve, Rocky, and Gary, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you all very much. I cannot express how much you caring means to me. Thank you for taking your time to wish me well.

It has been a rough road for me and it has been just as hard on Carl having to put up with it. I am doing so much better. My meds had gotten to the point where they had become a toxic cocktail to my body. It looks like we have gotten this straightended out. I can function again somewhat normally - as if I was ever normal! As soon as my ribs heal, I will be able to really do things once again.

Rocky, I can empathize with your wife and you. She is in my prayers and I am so glad she is stable. Please give her my best.

Dale, I URGE you to have a sleep study done. My CPAP machine is a miracle. I knew that I did not sleep well, that I woke up during the night and that I rarely felt rested; but I had no idea of the extent of it. Carl had been telling me I had sleep apnea since we have been married; but I didn't think much of it. I did not know what normal sleep was so I had no basis of comparison. Now I know and a normal night's sleep makes an indescribable difference. I just did not know I was not sleeping. I used to take a couple of naps during the day because I was so tired. Now I don't need to do that and I don't feel exhausted.

I had no idea that sleep apnea was so dangerous. Besides falling asleep during the day, it causes high blood pressure, irregular heart beat, triggers migraines (which I have) and triggers seizures (which I also have). Sleep apnea can lead to strokes and heart attacks. I love my sleep machine; it is a true blessing. Please get your sleep apnea checked out. You cannot imagine the difference a normal night's sleep makes.
Hey there young lady, good to see you back at the keyboard :y115:
As I mentioned, you and my wife have so many health problems in common. She uses a sleep machine too and takes a bucket of meds every day. She's also on oxygen every day.
She recently had a problem with her potassium levels and that situation got pretty dangerous!
I'm so glad to hear that you're doing better.
BTW, you and my wife have to stop scaring the bejeebers out of Carl and I. We old guys can't take too much of that :ya2:
[quote author=Rocky link=topic=8577.msg43767#msg43767 date=1261156588]
BTW, you and my wife have to stop scaring the bejeebers out of Carl and I. We old guys can't take too much of that :ya2:

That's the truth!!!!
Thanks, Rocky; it is good to be back. I can relate to what your wife is going through. I am glad to know she is stable. Fortunately, I don't need oxygen. When I did the sleep study, my oxygen level fell so low that they put me on oxygen the remainder of the night. I simply did breathe enough to get adequate oxygen. With the machine, my oxygen level is fine.

I know we scare you and Carl. We scare ourselves, too!!!
It's so fantastic that you feel so much better. It's something that rarely happens to people in our age group, or so it seems from my experience and my friends and family. that machine truly is a blessing for you and i'm happy you got it.
Me..........i have a real hard time taking myself to a doctor for anything less than an emergency. Don't trust them, don't like going there. I try and fix things by living better. It may not work in the long run, but i have no family to speak of so i'm not all that afraid of the big sleep. Tho i'm not particularly looking forward to the moment of transition. :ya2: I don't feel too bad lately tho with the exercise i've been doing. It gets better and better every week.

Anyways, glad to hear this Mae lyne. :y18:
Thanks much, Dale.

You should really look into a sleep test. Until you experience it, you have no idea what a difference a real nights sleep can do for you. I don't have much faith in doctors either.

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