Well last night it chucked it down and this morning we woke to blue sky's and sun ( Yes, it happens now and again in the UK
). So I took my new camera and went walkies with Wanda and Pat.
We're dead lucky that all this is no more than 600 yards from our front door
Waiting to pounce, she hasn't caught anything yet, but we let her have a good sniff about.
Wow what an interesting shot, the rear ends
This is taken on maximum zoom with my new camera, not a bad shot seeing that this is more than likely at 35000ft
Ah that's better, the front part.
Lovely countryside we have near us.
The panoramic shot function with this camera is really good too.
Look at me everybody, I'm a lean mean eating machine.

We're dead lucky that all this is no more than 600 yards from our front door
Waiting to pounce, she hasn't caught anything yet, but we let her have a good sniff about.
Wow what an interesting shot, the rear ends

This is taken on maximum zoom with my new camera, not a bad shot seeing that this is more than likely at 35000ft
Ah that's better, the front part.
Lovely countryside we have near us.
The panoramic shot function with this camera is really good too.
Look at me everybody, I'm a lean mean eating machine.