During a short test ride when I twist the throttle for more power when in 4[SUP]th[/SUP] gear the engine starts cutting out and returns to normal when I return the throttle to about the ½ position. But on the way back the symptom of cutting out happens more frequently at lower throttle settings. Up until the cut out begins to show up (about ¼ mile into the test run) the bike runs strong at any throttle position.
These are the things I have checked so far:
I have made sure the battery is charged before the run
The tank gas cap vent was restricted and is now clear (use to cut out worse)
I have checked the wiring on the Boyer ignition.
The carbs have been removed cleaned and floats set 2 times.
Both carbs have been snyc’d and full travel checked
New petcocks have been installed
The plugs have been gapped and cleaned
The valve clearances have been set
The ignition wires have been checked for condition and covered with spiral plastic protection
Battery connections and wiring in the battery box area have been checked
My suspicions’ are:
1. The battery may be glitchy
2. The coils may be breaking down
3. The alternator is not putting out enough power
4. The new petcocks have an flow restriction
5. The carb floats are heavy or sinking
How can I check the alternator output accurately?
Do you folks know what else I can check and the way to check it?