I"ve been thinking about how I measure the value of things and have come to realize that I'm hopelessly locked onto Triumph worth. Yesterday I had to pay for a new water line to my house because the old water line was collapsing causing water pressure and flow to decrease to the point it took 2 minutes to get 6 cups worth of water in my Mr. Coffee, my shower didn't shower anymore, it dribbled, and flushing a toilet more than once wasn't likely to produced enough water flow to send a square of toilet paper to the city sewage plant. So after consultation with a licensed plumber I paid an excellent low mileage used 2019 T-120 Black, or near new Thunderbird Storm to replace my water line and have an expansion tank installed on my water heater (code compliance requirement). There's no sense in saying what the dollar amount on the check was, it's what I can't park in my garage because I had to get a water pipe that has meaning. It's all in how you measure it.