Idaho Tiger
I need an oil change and after researching various brands, I found that Mahle Oil Filters seem to work better than other brands at cleaning out particulate matter from the oil, but I am having trouble finding specifications for oil filters for bike models newer than 2016-17. This Mahle oil filter (Mahle OC 575) in the catalog says it fits the 2016 Tiger 800 XCa, but I have yet to find anything that verifies that it fits the 2018. I know that Triumph did a rework of the Tiger 800 engine for 2018, does anyone KNOW (no guesses please) if the 2018 800 XCa and the 2016 Tiger 800 XCa take the same oil filter? I want to get this right.
Sorry for the repost - I misspelled Mahle in the first post but could not delete it :-(
Sorry for the repost - I misspelled Mahle in the first post but could not delete it :-(