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Has anyone out their, improved their headlight, brighter bulb, HID or other
Same for tail light, recommended LED bulbs for a brighter rear

1off motorsports has offered a conversion for the H4 bulb wondered has anyone tried it yet
I ended up putting a sealed beam headlight in my 03 T100. I am very satisfied with the results. Here is a link to thread about the conversion:

You have to be really carefully about the additional heat the H4 bulb gives out. I have read reports where the heat burned wiring and melted the socket in the Bonneville. As far as LED taillights, that is an easy conversion. They are brighter from behind; but, because LEDs are directional, they are less visble from the sides. I tried one of the conversions, I did not like the results from the side. But this was several years ago. There may be better conversions out there now.
I tried the halogen headlight bulb but wasn't all that impressed (it's focus seemed off between HI and LO beam) and also went to a sealed beam which works better as far as the focus.

One thig you DON'T want to do is use a red LED taillight under a red lens.....they seem less bright instead of brighter (tried that once with my Trophy). I think Carl is correct too about the directional part with LEDs.

What I did was just use the brighter type of 1157 bulb on both my Trophy and my T140 Bonnie.
I'm also thinking about upgrading my lights so I can be more visible. Has anyone installed the self modulating tail light? It's halogen. It flashes quickly when your brakes are applied. Once you're stopped, the tail light is steady. I think it's a great idea. I typically flash my brakes when car approach from behind quicky or I'm stopped in a tunnel. I think that would do the work for me.

New Bonneville has one on their website. Anyone have any experience with that product or ones like it?

I have not tried those Laura but certainly seems a great idea. I would be interested in hearing how they work.
I added a strip of led lights in my top trunk for added rear vis and 2 rather high wattage fog lite to my front forks to improve front lighting.
I am also currently "toying" with a an additional set of yellow LED strips mounted to my hand guards to improve turn signal visibility from the front. You can never have to many lights:y2:
I rarely ride at night so haven't felt the need to do any upgrades to my lights.
The flashing brake light sounds like a great idea - especially if you have to ride in heavy traffic or in and through a large city. I've thought about making that change a few times.
But I flick my brake levers to flash the taillight when I'm braking - which does the same thing - so I never got around to making a change.
I also do a lot of press-and-release on the brake lever when I'm stopped at a light, for example.
I'm also thinking about upgrading my lights so I can be more visible. Has anyone installed the self modulating tail light? It's halogen. It flashes quickly when your brakes are applied. Once you're stopped, the tail light is steady. I think it's a great idea. I typically flash my brakes when car approach from behind quicky or I'm stopped in a tunnel. I think that would do the work for me.

New Bonneville has one on their website. Anyone have any experience with that product or ones like it?


I personally haven't done one on my mortorcycles, but I have on my MINI Cooper's high brake light and it works great.

I also have friends that have done them on their bikes and I believe they do grap ones' attention.

So yes...I would recommend it on a bike for sure.
I did install one on the T100 with the sidecar. I have set it to flash three times and then steady. Simply releasing the brake and applying it again starts the cycle over. The cops here use them on their motorcycles. Like Rocky, on my Tiger, I just modulator brakes as I begin braking. While stopped, I briefly flick the brake lever two or three times when I see a vehicle approaching behind me.

The earlier Bonneville headlights are atrocious. If you get them aimed properly on high beam, low beam does a great job of illuminating your front fender and tire. When you properly adjust the low beam, the high beam is great for spotting fling squirrels and airplanes. On my 03 T100, I installed a sealed beam automotive headlight. It appears that the reflector design is the problem. The newer Bonnies may or may not have that problem.
I don't know if they are still avalilable, but some years back I found Halogen 1157 taillight bulbs and used them in my old /6 Beemer. Very impressive and no loss of sidelighting. Some folks wondered if they'd cause problems in the housing due to excessive heat, but they worked fine. Worth a look-see to find them.

Just the $,02 worth of the "village idiot": Jim
According to the current LED light instructions use the same color bulb as the lens on your light, red lens - red LED. The lights are designed to function best when used as stated, clear/white bulbs currently are not as bright when casting their light thru a colored lens.

I have one of these on my Tiger.


I found on my Trophy that a red LED wasn't nearly as bright as a white one underneath a red lens. I don't know why, but that's just how it worked out.

And .........if your same tail lamp also illuminates your license plate, it would illuminate it in red light.

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR
I just have stock lights on my Triumph because I don't ride it at night but I have an ebay H4-2 HID kit installed on my Suzuki. It has a tiny little ballast and simple to install and makes a huge difference compared to stock bulb. The (-2) means it has a halogen high beam that is really just to pass inspection and not really for use. The kit is only like $25 delivered but I have been runing it for a over year now and it performs great.

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