led indicator and resistors

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Hi everyone, i just got a set of 4 let indicator and 2 resistors. In the instruction i says to set the resistor on the back indicator and not to worry about the front one. A friend of mine said that he put 4 resistors.. not 2... so now i don´t know what to do...I know i should get a flasher relay and i will but i just found out now that i started to look in to the topic.... but for now can i only instal the resistor at the back or am i blowing everything of?
I would just follow the instructions at this time, they did the research and testing (hopefully) and if it doesn't work then you can go to the next step.
As long as the resistor is large enough, you only need two - one on the left and one on the right. It doesn't matter if it goes on the front or back; all you doing is tricking the stock relay to think it sees higher resistance incandescent bulbs. They probably just tell you to put it in the back as there's more room for wiring.