Just A Little Spin Around The Block

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Well with the weather hitting the way is here lately I just had to get out and do a little riding.
Prior to heading out I grabbed a photo from the front yard to show how terrible the weather here is.
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I decided to take a spin around the block after the fog lifted but the further west I got the more it looked like I was going to run into the fog again or a possible rain. My luck held out and the sky finally cleared up.

My first stop was in Anderson, Texas for a couple quick photos. The first photo is at Confederate Memorial Park.
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The statue is a CSA infantryman representing Company "G" 4th Texas Volunteer Infantry, Army of Northern Virginia, AKA "The Grimes County Grays"

Originally the statue was planned for the old county courthouse just down the street, but after a single objection the placement of the monument on the old courthouse grounds was rejected. A small parcel of land next to the old courthouse was purchased and renovated into the present park. Much of the work and fundraising was done by The Grimes County Grays Camp of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, hence the statue represents a Grimes County Gray.

And just to the west is the Grimes County Courthouse.

Leaving Anderson as I rode over to Navasota I passed Chuck Norris' Ranch, Lone Wolf Ranch but I didn't see Chuck out in the front pasture so I kept heading west. I did see one of the hired hands, ranch or house staff turning into the property. I might have them on the video, I'll have to check and see.

My next stop was Old Baylor Park in Independence.

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Some of the grounds of Old Baylor Park
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Ruins of the old kitchen
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History of Baylor at Independence

The Texas Collection partners with the community of Independence, an unincorporated village in Washington County, 112 miles south of Waco. Independence was originally named Coles Settlement or Cole's Hill for John P. Coles, a member of the "Old Three Hundred" colonists who followed Stephen F. Austin into Mexican Texas during the early 1820s. The name the community changed shortly after Texas' victory at the Battle of San Jacinto in 1836. The town of Independence, known for its 1839 Baptist church at the crossroads, became a thriving cotton plantation center and the home of many of the early leaders of Texas.

Baylor University spent its first forty-one years in that beautiful place, following the 1845 chartering of Baylor by the Republic of Texas. Almost twenty colleges and universities were founded in Texas during the euphoric republic period, when educational opportunities were eagerly sought in the new nation. Little did the first leaders of Baylor know that their beloved institution would be the only one to survive in an unbroken line into the 21st century.

Opened as a progressive, coeducational university, Baylor soon became a more traditional institution with separate facilities for male and female students. Academy Hill housed academic and dormitory structures for the young women of Baylor, while nearby Windmill Hill across Independence Creek was the site of the men's campus.

Financial challenges faced the leaders of Baylor almost every year between the founding period and 1886 when the trustees decided to relocate the university to Waco through a merger with Waco University. The traumatic experience and aftermath of the Civil War, plus significant changes in railtransportation in Texas meant that the future of higher education was no longer bright for Baylor in Washington County. With the women of Baylor moving to Belton, Texas, the path to Waco was open and relatively more promising. The land and facilities of Baylor University in Independence passed into other hands, and the town's once thriving economy weakened for many years until the middle of the twentieth century.

When Texas celebrated its centennial in 1936, Independence had become a sleepy, unincorporated village located on narrow roads in northeast Washington County. Still, the historic site of Baylor's formative period recieved public recognition during the centennial with the erection of stately granite markers throughout the village.These markers kept alive stories of early Independence and its heroic citizens, remembered for their leadership and bravery during revolution, republic, early statehood, and Civil War. Meanwhile, the crumbling rock structures at former Baylor University sites in the village-all that remained of the university's first forty-one years-drew living alumni whose periodic pilgrimages refused to let its heritage be forgotten.

Projects of The Texas Collection-Independence, Texas Partnership

  • Completion and dedication of Baylor Park on Windmill Hill-on original site of the male campus of Baylor University
  • Nomination and dedication of two historical marker for Robert Emmett Bledsoe and Baylor Park on Windmill Hill-subject markers approved by the Texas Historical Commission
  • Continued cooperation between the Independence Preservation Trust, the Independence Historical Society, and The Texas Collection in local historic preservation projects and programming featuring Baylor faculty and staff members
  • Cooperation between The Texas Collection, the Independence Baptist Church,and the Baptist General Convention of Texas in the planning and the opening of the Texas Baptist Historical Center (museum)
  • Providing legal research on the original town square of Independence
  • Research and preparation of applications by the Antique Rose Emporium on Windmill Hill-and the addition of picnic equipment for public use
  • Assistance in developing a licensing agreement between Baylor University and the Independence Coffee Company to produce and market several special blends of coffee whose royalties benefit historic preservation in Independence, TX
  • Creation of an inventory and map of the Independence Cemetery
  • Cooperation between Independence Preservation Trust and Baylor University in the development and cost of a revised brochure and map of Independence and its new walking/driving trail
  • Opening of the Baylor University Office and the I.V.C. in Independence in May of 2010, and the hiring of a part-time staff member Documentary photography by Chris Hansen of all structures in Independence
  • Relocating from a cow pasture and repairing of the Texas Historical marker of R.E.B. Baylor and moving it next to Texas FM390
  • General support for Baylor fauculty and their work in Independence, including environmental sciences, history, and oral history
  • General support ofBaylor Line Camps-summer freshman orientation program by the Student Life Division

Each summer during the Baylor Freshmen Line Camps, the students take a trip to Old Baylor at the end of their session. This is a much anticipated event for the students and the university. The new freshmen gather at the columns and one by one pass thru the old entrance, their admittance to Baylor.

At the entrance to Old Baylor Park is some old Texas homes




To be continued . . .
Old Baylor was split up to form two separate campus locations in Independence. The photos above came from the original site which then became the women's school and the boys were shipped across town.

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In the days of Old Baylor the area between the two locations was referred to my the male students as the River Jordan, they were not allowed to cross the River Jordan to visit the female students. Today the area hasn't changed much but looking from the marker above across the River Jordan, this is what you see.
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Since I'm in the area and hitting historical sites, where better to go than to the Birthplace of Texas at Washington On The Brazos?


The General Convention, which would decide the fate of Texas, met at Washington in March 1836. People revere Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site as the site of the signing of the Texas Declaration of Independence on March 2, 1836. Thereafter, despite great personal risk, the delegates continued meeting until they had drafted a constitution and established the new nation’s first lasting government.

Washington remained a town of some prominence in early Texas until the eve of the Civil War. The park encompasses the site of the historic town. Washington was the first county seat of Washington County in 1836, the capital of Texas from 1842 to 1845, and the home of the last president of the Republic of Texas, Anson Jones. Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site, the seat of Texas Independence, is the center each year for the Texas Independence Day Celebration, under the direction of the Washington-on-the-Brazos State Park Association.

Washington-on-the-Brazos in Washington County consists of 293.1 acres, and the land was acquired by deed from private owners in 1916. It was transferred to the State Parks Board from the State Board of Control by the legislature in 1949. Then in 1976 and 1996, more land was acquired by deed from private owners.

Today the park is maintained by Texas Parks and Wildlife. The Washington-on-the-Brazos State Park Association assists the park and the Star of the Republic Museum in this effort. The museum's administration falls under the jurisdiction of Blinn College in Brenham.

Barrington Living History Farm was the home of Anson Jones, last president of the Republic of Texas. Handcrafted reproduction log buildings and cropland demonstrate the working of a Brazos Valley farm, circa 1850. Interpreters in period costume work the farm as it was done long ago.

Following is a timeline of the historical events that occurred at Washington-on-the-Brazos starting in 1836.

A Nation Struggles to be Born...
"I am besieged... I have sustained a continual bombardment and cannonade for 24 hours... The enemy has demanded a surrender... I have answered the demand with a cannon shot, and our flag still waves proudly from the walls. I shall never surrender nor retreat..."
William Barret Travis
The Alamo - February 24, 1836

"Fellow-Citizens of Texas: The enemy are upon us. A strong force surrounds the walls of the Alamo, and threaten that garrison with the sword... Now is the day, and now is the hour, when Texas expects every man to do his duty. Let us show ourselves worthy to be free and we shall be free."
Henry Smith
Washington - March 2, 1836

"Independence is declared; it must be maintained."
Sam Houston
Washington - March 2, 1836

The Convention of 1836
In early March 1836, the unlikely town of Washington, a small, rough-hewn, ramshackle town, which had sprung up around a ferry landing next to the Brazos River, entered the history books as the birthplace of Texas.

It was here that on March 1, 1836, delegates elected from each municipality in Texas convened in an unfinished frame building. While the forces of General Santa Anna laid siege to the Alamo, the Convention of 1836 declared Texas' independence from Mexico, wrote a new constitution which established the Republic of Texas, and organized an ad interim government.

Quill pens and Bowie knives - March 1836
In the story of Texas' independence from Mexico, the courageous work of the men assembled in Washington is often overshadowed by the fall of the Alamo and the Battle of San Jacinto. After all, at the same time these men put ink to paper, the blood of their fellow Texans was being shed at the Alamo, where men like Colonel William Barret Travis and Jim Bowie fought to their deaths and became folk heroes.

The history books often lose sight of the delegates' courage and clear-headed determination as they labored against a backdrop of fear and uncertainty. They knew the desperation of Travis and his men. They received word of his dire circumstance twice during the Convention. The Alamo was only a few days' march from where they convened, and rumors that Santa Anna was just down the road kept them on edge.

Some of the men wanted to recklessly rush to Travis' aid without a military or governmental structure in place, but calmer minds prevailed.

The Alamo falls - March 6
On March 15, news of the fall of the Alamo finally reached the convention and, according to one witness, "spread like fire in high grass," causing "complete panic." One delegate had lost a son at the Alamo, another a brother. Heartsick, fearful of invasion by enemy troops, yet focused on the task ahead, the men remained for another two days and completed the task of electing ad interim officials.

On March 17, the delegates, along with the citizens of Washington, fled Santa Anna's advancing troops.

Seventeen days and nights...
The convention members signing the Declaration were as good as signing their death warrants if the Revolution failed. They were also putting their families at risk and jeopardizing everything they owned. The Texas Revolution could have easily become a long series of Alamos and Goliads as the Mexican army advanced across Texas completely obliterating the rebellion. To the delegates assembled in Washington, that scenario was not just an apocalyptic nightmare, but a very real possibility. Yet these men stood their ground. They worked 17 straight days and nights to forge a constitution and a government, a government which served the Republic of Texas well during the decade from 1836 to 1846.

Post-War Washington
When the townspeople returned after the Texans' victory at San Jacinto, they found Washington a relatively undisturbed town. The only plundering had been the work of army stragglers or deserters and other fleeing Texans. But Washington languished while various town fathers lobbied for its designation as the permanent capital. A special committee of the Congress passed over Washington and other contenders in favor of Waterloo, a town which would be renamed Austin.

In 1842, President Sam Houston took advantage of renewed invasions by Mexico to move the capital from Austin to Washington.

While capital of the Republic, Washington began to grow. It continued to thrive as a commercial center for the Brazos River cotton trade, even after the seat of the government was moved back to Austin in 1845.

In the mid-1850s, Washington suffered a mortal blow when the railroad bypassed it. The Civil War sealed its fate.

Washington today
Today Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site and Star of the Republic Museum reside where the town of Washington once flourished, honoring the men and women who risked their lives and gave us Texas.

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What trip to Washington On The Brazos would be complete without a walk down to the Brazos River?
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The trail headed back up to Independence Hall. To the left the trail leads down to the amphitheater but I didn't head that way.
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After enjoying my walk around the park it was time to chart my course for home. I headed back to Navasota and grabbed what would turn out to be my last photo of the ride at the Navasota V.F.W. Hall Post 4006

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So I head on home but decided not to take the route I've been down more times than I care to count. As I'm headed down the road I was entering the Todd Mission community and thought I should keep my eyes open for some friends of mine I knew in Louisiana that now live in the area. I knew the chances of seeing one of them was extremely slim since I had no idea where they live, they could be one or twenty roads over from the one I was on. It wasn't but about a quarter mile down the road after I thought this that I was a white GMC SUV coming at me. . . yep, it was her. So I did a quick 180 and chased her down. As I caught up with her I went to pass her and looked in the cab again to make sure and I was now 99% sure of who it was. So instead of heading to a couple other places I spend 2 or 3 hours visiting with my old high school classmate and his wife.

I'll try and get the videos edited and will pot my results in day or two.

The ride route . . .
Rolling Hills Dr W to Rolling Hills Dr W - Google Maps

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Good old Petula, a nice song to start the ride on. Glad to see the weather improved along the way, unlike some of the roads you went down. Good job you've got the XC version.
Part 2 to come. :Champ:

When I left the house the sun was shining real good as seen in the first photo. I expected to see some gray skies but not for as long as I did. I didn't start the videoing until I was down the road about 45 miles.

You're right about the XC for the roads around here. . . wait till I hit some of the Louisiana backroads :y26:

And here is Part 2 . . .I got you something in this one MOT, a little of the exhaust note. :y2:

Part 3 in a day or 5.
That was
music to my ears. That sounds really good, I was chomping on my hot cross bun with a cup of tea ready, and I thought I bet that sounds good when you slow down, then the Stop sign came up, and the sound was gorgeous on the over run, which was then followed my the acceleration away from the Stop sign, now that's how a bike should sound. That brought a
to my chops.
I loved the music too, I like the way you slowly brought the yellow roads of Texas into it.
Love your ride outs Hemi.
Thanks Garry. I'm still planning on setting the GoPro at the rear to get you a good sound check.

I had a better overrun on a decel when I was heading into Grimes County, coming to a stop sign on a downhill run, topped the hill at 70 MPH and immediately backed it off for the stop. . . Too bad it was before I started the cameras. Maybe I'll find another one in the remaining clips.
Got the Triumph Talk email and saw the link to this thread. Too cool. I live in Sugar Land, and some times ride the areas of the video, and also your locale, around 105, too. Enjoyed the video, but have never been to Panorama Village. Spend more times on FM's. Thanks for sharing, this thread. tomp

I took a look at all your others, too. Will get around to watching them soon. tp
@Mad On Triumphs . . . Just realized I never got the last video edited and posted. If you remember in an earlier post I spoke about seeing a friend of mine on the road and following her home. I captured that in this video. Wayne told me he wasn't sure who his wife had picked up and brought home but as soon as I lifted my face shield and he saw my eyes he knew who it was . . . sure glad he realized who it was, he was tough hombre and I didn't want to have to fight my way off of the bike. :y2:

Thanks Rocky.

I kind of like the way she sounds too. I took a gamble when I bought the Fuel Exhaust can, I'd never heard one in person and the only sound clip I had found wasn't that great but it was due to recording equipment and not the exhaust, or so I hoped. One of these days I will get a good sound clip of the exhaust. On the bike I don't really get the full sound of the exhaust but I did have Alex run her thru a few RPM levels while I stood well behind her . . . I about wet myself with the thrill of getting to hear her making some real music. :y2:
What a great way to start and end a video, with the sound of your Tiger having fun. I do hope that you're taking your Go Pro to TRAMP, we could all be in for a real treat here.
That was one hell of a long driveway you rode down.

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