JUST to be crystal clear for the new recruits and un initiated.
DAVE --- poked me with a stick and asked where I had been...............so--- not that I ever went away---- i was watching you kiddies----
but now I am more "active" so FAIR WARNING -- expect hyjinx---- tom foolery and senseless senselessness on a regular basis----
your totally logical posts and simple questions WILL BE interrupted by Sasquatch videos and Hemi chasing a cat through a cigar factory -------(dont ask)------there will be pain--- and some laughs --- mostly at MOT's expense ........and Rocky will get down right frustrated with the whole shabang-eh? ---right.....then
I did not come here for an argument wait-----perhaps I did----I think it was the 5 min,.......
View: https://youtu.be/kQFKtI6gn9Y
DAVE --- poked me with a stick and asked where I had been...............so--- not that I ever went away---- i was watching you kiddies----
but now I am more "active" so FAIR WARNING -- expect hyjinx---- tom foolery and senseless senselessness on a regular basis----
your totally logical posts and simple questions WILL BE interrupted by Sasquatch videos and Hemi chasing a cat through a cigar factory -------(dont ask)------there will be pain--- and some laughs --- mostly at MOT's expense ........and Rocky will get down right frustrated with the whole shabang-eh? ---right.....then
I did not come here for an argument wait-----perhaps I did----I think it was the 5 min,.......
View: https://youtu.be/kQFKtI6gn9Y