It Gone ! I'm Gutted !!!

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Tigers rule the wild !
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Supporting Member
Well I had to do something I never thought I'd have to do ..... I sold my tiger SAD:y1: !
To say I'm gutted is an under statement in the extreme .
The wife's car gearbox went it was going to cost £2500 for a recon one , and the car is on finance ! And the only thing I had a buyer for was the tiger , so that was that it was sold and I fitted the new gear box today .
I'm very down about it at the minute , but at least lisa can get back to work ! And I have my super 3 ....but it ain't no tiger ?
I am shocked....amazed......stunned......speechless.....I am going to need a moment of silence....this day shall be a sad day in all tomes and records of this forum.

--Shane your still an Honorary Tiger Rider (IMHO) ;)
I have come to terms with it as some of you have said .......the wife has her job ! Which is the most important thing !
The thing that gets me is if it had been my subaru I would not have been bothered , but the wife's car is not paid for so it just could not be left . Well I will just have to get on with the Daytona and get it finished be for the summer is gone .
Yes, it's a sad day to have to part with a bike under such circumstances, but it was the right thing to do - under the circumstances.
But bikes are bought, sold and new ones made every day so I'm sure another will be in your future.
Well life goes on ! It's amazing to me how things just jump up in front of you when you least exspect it , I thought I would own that tiger for a long time yet .
It's the first bike I've owned for more than 18 months and have owned it for three years , oh well as you all say it had to be done ! You can't pay for a car that sits broken down it has to earn its keep .
But don't you worry it's given me the chance to start saving for a tiger 1050 which I've had a hankering for for quite some time ;)
Hope that the tiger 1050 comes your way sooner rather than later. It's crap having to get rid of something you get so much pleasure from. It took some doing to sell her, of that I've no doubt.
It did it really did !! I've always been able to sell bikes on no problem and on to the next one , but the tiger really fitted me and I spent a lot of time on it and improving it .
1050's an awesome Tiger....and that Super 3 you got to "get you through" ain't no slouch either ;) Hang in there Shane. Life has its ways of working out.
And hey YOU have a SUBARU! so life ain't all bad. :)
Roo's ROCK! (for cages) that is.....maybe we need a sub forum, wonder how many Triumph owners are also Roo owners?????
Well I'm going to get my p38 rangerover finished for the MOT and get that sold , and I'm going to sell the scooby which should give me a good deposit on a 1050 in my local shop .
The one thing I hadn't mentioned which is why I was so pissed about it was this ........., I had actually got the £2500 for the gearbox two days before ......but I had gone and bought a discovery TD5 to replace the scooby for towing the caravan as I wanted somthing a bit heaver to stop the dreaded sway when towing .
But the deal was done and that was that ! I pick that up this week end , so with a bit of luck and some wheeling and dealing I may just get enough together for another tiger in the next few months .