Got back from Scotland last night, 860 miles of brilliant twisties, and only 2 showers of rain!
Ventura and Ian arrived at my house on Thursday morning ready for the trip North.
We headed up to Carlisle to meet Lake, Mark, and Mike.
And then there were 6 Triumph's.
We then headed up into Scotland, then west to Dumfries, and Castle Douglas, stopping at Loch Ken on the way.
It was then onward to Ayr to meet JohnnyC and FrankBlack, and then there were 8 Triumphs!
JohnnyC's new scrambler
FrankBlack's Bonnie.
We all then rode north to Gourock to catch the ferry to Dunoon.
JohhnyC and FrankBlack rode with us up to Strachur then turn off back to Ayr. We continued on to Inverary.
War memorial at Inverary
From here it was up to Loch Awe, through the 'Pass of Brander' to Connel and on to Oban.
This is the Connel Bridge
Connel Harbour
And a few pics of Oban
That was day 1. 280 miles from my house, altough Ventura and Ian did another 60 miles to get to my house.
Ventura and Ian arrived at my house on Thursday morning ready for the trip North.

We headed up to Carlisle to meet Lake, Mark, and Mike.
And then there were 6 Triumph's.

We then headed up into Scotland, then west to Dumfries, and Castle Douglas, stopping at Loch Ken on the way.

It was then onward to Ayr to meet JohnnyC and FrankBlack, and then there were 8 Triumphs!

JohnnyC's new scrambler

FrankBlack's Bonnie.

We all then rode north to Gourock to catch the ferry to Dunoon.
JohhnyC and FrankBlack rode with us up to Strachur then turn off back to Ayr. We continued on to Inverary.

War memorial at Inverary

From here it was up to Loch Awe, through the 'Pass of Brander' to Connel and on to Oban.
This is the Connel Bridge

Connel Harbour

And a few pics of Oban

That was day 1. 280 miles from my house, altough Ventura and Ian did another 60 miles to get to my house.