Hi, just wondering if anyone has had any success improving the ride from the front forks on a 67 Bonneville? Fully rebuilt with new legs, bushes, seals etc. Original standard springs retained. Ride quality is not great being rather harsh over bumps. Experimented with different weight oil but its more to do with the lack of easy progressive movement that you expect with modern forks. i.e it doesn't slip in and out smoothly as the Actress said to the Bishop. Considering having the legs hard chromed to hopefully improve matters?. Obviously handling is great with stiff suspension but I am on Australian roads not the race track and would like to keep my original teeth and not require further back surgery. I did replace the rear shocks with new Emgo shrouded but found them ineffectual and squeaky (I had a teacher at school like that) so refitted them with unknown brand alternative spring exposed shocks the bike came with. Better but not perfect. Just ordered a pair of Girling shrouded shocks from the UK so fingers crossed the expense is worth it.
Not interested in upgrading to a later fork as the original look is important to me. Hummed and haahed for two years about using the Girling shocks simply because they look different from original. Yes, sad git that I am, I would rather suffer bad suspension than take away the classic look. I also ride an FJR 1300 which is akin to riding on a cloud in comparison. I also have a new Honda CRF 300 Rally which is best described as riding on a cloud whilst seated on another even softer cloud while wearing gel filled underpants. Thinking about it that actually that could be a cheaper alternative than trying to improve the Triumph forks. So, if you know a way to improve front fork action on a classic Triumph please put finger to key and let me know.
Not interested in upgrading to a later fork as the original look is important to me. Hummed and haahed for two years about using the Girling shocks simply because they look different from original. Yes, sad git that I am, I would rather suffer bad suspension than take away the classic look. I also ride an FJR 1300 which is akin to riding on a cloud in comparison. I also have a new Honda CRF 300 Rally which is best described as riding on a cloud whilst seated on another even softer cloud while wearing gel filled underpants. Thinking about it that actually that could be a cheaper alternative than trying to improve the Triumph forks. So, if you know a way to improve front fork action on a classic Triumph please put finger to key and let me know.