I Gave Up..........

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On the 30 July at 7pm was my last smoke, I have been smoking for 42 years ( I started very young) I have hung in there and have not had another smoke. I have attended two functions in between and coped fine with the alcohol and people smoking around me, I never knew I could consume sooo much tequila.

I am using nicotine patches to slowly wean the body off of nicotine but yesterday and today for some reason I am going bananas with wanting a smoke. I have not kicked the habit yet
Goes something like this whilst being a smoker in home office

Stressed - have a smoke
Busy & get hungry - have a smoke
Thirsty but busy - have a smoke
Get tea - ahhhh have a smoke
Eat ahhhh have a smoke
Adult kids irritate you - have a smoke
Menopause & husband -- have a Cigarrrrr
Into car - light up a smoke
Go to gym -have a smoke
Food & alcohol socialing - smoke and talk talk

WTF am I supposed to do now ??????? (sorry i'm swearing like a trooper now)
I have tried my best to be calm and not take it out on anyone at home or around me.
I chew gum and refuse to nibble as I do not want to have weight problems

It has been one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life
Hang in there don't give into it especially now as you will regret it later. A huge well done for taking this first step and it will get better as time passes.

If it really get that bad try one of those vapour pipes with the zero nicotine content as you will still have the action of smoking without actually smoking.
If it really get that bad try one of those vapour pipes with the zero nicotine content as you will still have the action of smoking without actually smoking.

DaveyBoy !!!! I'm trying to break a habit therefor NO VAPES, I am getting nicotine through patches/plasters until i can wean slowly

Anyway vapes in my opinion are worse than smokes, lungs were built to filter air not vegetable oil in vapes

But thanks for encouragement guys, I am determined to do this, if i kill along the way wellllllll so be it:y150:
I went through the same thing. I ain't gonna lie, there are still times I would like to fire one up. I tried several times before but was unable to do it. Each time before I knew the time and date I had my last one but the last time I did not look at the time and to this date I can't tell you when I had my last one. I know it was years ago and that's good enough for me.

Don't give in to the urge, you can get past this hurdle since you've made it this far.
Congratulations on doing this. TUP
Hang in there; "kicking the habit" was probably the best thing that I ever did, and I did it when the "butts" were only around $.45 a pack. If for no other reason, think of the money that you can use for something useful (like fuel for the bike), along with not "paying tribute" to the officials in government who say they want to end smoking, but love every penny that the cigarette taxes bring in!!
The "village idiot" will now vacate his "soapbox": Jim
Each time before I knew the time and date I had my last one but the last time I did not look at the time and to this date I can't tell you when I had my last one.

I think marking the date and time you stopped is not a great way to do this as it should not matter as you have just given up so why keep count. It is almost as if you have decided from the start that you just trying to see how long you cannot smoke for until your next one.
Started in Vietnam when a pack of cigarettes was US$0.11 (eleven cents).
Quit on first try, cold turkey in 2004.
Still dream about smoking.
Would start again if I found out I had a terminal disease and would die soon, as I really enjoyed smoking.
I figure the annual cost of smoking a pack a day of "my brand" would now be about $2,400.00.
Started in Vietnam when a pack of cigarettes was US$0.11 (eleven cents).
Quit on first try, cold turkey in 2004.
Still dream about smoking.
Would start again if I found out I had a terminal disease and would die soon, as I really enjoyed smoking.
I figure the annual cost of smoking a pack a day of "my brand" would now be about $2,400.00.

And, Gary, think about how much of that money is, in fact, the "tribute" you'd be paying to the tax collectors...........
Quit 40 years ago cold turkey, yes hard, have had 3 smokes since then.. will get easier but surprising I still crave one every now and then
Well it's day 16 today OH my greatness it is very hard!!!
My behavior is aggressive and now that my lungs are not filtering smoke
my mouth is not filtering swear words either:sneaky::sneaky:
I did cave on Friday and went and bought a cherry cigar :unsure: but it was either the cigar
or someone died.
Today I'm very busy so I don't have time to even think sooooo I hope it eases or a straight jacket
is going to be pulled on me

But I will persevere!!!!

Quit smoking.jpg

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