Huge explosion in West, Texas.

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Huge explosion in the town of West, Texas. I've heard from a friend of mine who is a paramedic supervisor in Austin (100 to 120 miles south of West) has been put on notice to expect deployment to assist in the the emergency. Most or many of the firefighters in West had responded to the fire prior to the explosion and now most of those that responded are unaccounted for.

Posting with Tapatalk while riding my Tiger 955i at 15 over the speed limit.
Videos of the fire and then the explosion are starting to hit the web, this is going to be bad. 50 to 70 homes destroyed in the explosion and more on fire.

I've been thru West several times, a small town surrounded by farms and ranches.

Reports of the blast being felt in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.

Posting with Tapatalk while riding my Tiger 955i at 15 over the speed limit.
Those poor people inside, I just hope that this was not some terrorist attack. Thank heavens the man and his boy in the car were OK, I can't even think how terrifying that must have been for them.
Lets hope that the injured make a full recovery. And lets hope that this is the end of the run of bad news of late.
Thoughts are with the family's and friends of all affected by this terrible event
I don't think it's a terror attack. Fertilizer factories are volatile by nature. There was a huge explosion at a fertilizer plant in Nigeria a couple of years ago and it was down to human error. Either way, it's always very sad to me when I hear of unnecessary loss of lives.




This explosion occurred 66 years and one day after the Texas City, Texas explosion of a fertilizer container ship which leveled large portions of the city of Texas City.

The April 16, 1947 explosion
I have been following this since last evening. A terrible, terrible tragedy. My prayers for all of those injured and for the families of those killed. CRY CRY
I thought I heard a newscaster say that this happened on the anniversary of the Waco, Texas event and that is one reason they suspected it was deliberate.

I have no idea how true that is.

It's a horrific tragedy no matter what.

Posted with TapaTalk
Waco was April 19th 1993. Close, but most all I am hearing is it was a tragic Industrial Accident. Nothing pointing to terrorist activity at this time.
Prayers and thoughts for the many lost and their families.
I also heard the conspiracy theorists creeping out the woodwork saying that the Boston Bombing was in 'commemoration' of Waco, The Oklahoma City Bombings and also that since it was Tax Day, it was a protest against taxes blah blah blah. There are bound to be dozens of conspiracy theories surfacing in the next few months instead of just concentrating on the who and why and mostly, to respect the dead and injured.
Keys is correct, Waco was on April 19, 1993 and was actually in Mount Carmel instead of Waco. Mount Carmel is actually in Elk, Texas located about 9 miles ENE of Waco, or about 19 miles SSE of West.

If the explosion had been at a federal facility such as OKC or was set off where ATF agents were located, then I would say the conspiracy theories had some weight but as it occurred, I feel they are going to find it was a very bad industrial accident.
Tony, I agree with you. I think it was one horrible industrial accident and not unprecedented either. I think a freighter laden with that kind of stuff blew up in the harbor at Galveston many years ago. And this isn't the first fertilizer factory to blow either.