Huge Buck Comes Out Of Nowhere And Leaps Over A Motorcycle

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From Popular Mechanics, today.

If you've ever driven on a country road, you've probably had a close encounter with a deer, whether late at night or in broad daylight—and you also probably know that the experience can be pretty terrifying.

In a heart-stopping video that's now going viral, a large white-tailed deer jumps across a busy street in Alexandria, Virginia right in front of a group of motorcyclists, almost causing a major crash. In the clip, a leaping buck jumps directly between two cyclists, somehow without getting hit. One of the men, though, is seen slamming on his brakes, swerving out of the way of the deer, ultimately going over the handlebars and onto the road. Thankfully he wasn't seriously injured, but it was definitely a close call for both the man and deer.

Ironically the group had just passed a deer-crossing sign right before the buck dashed out in front of them. The group was participating in the Distinguished Gentlemans' ride, a charity event for prostate cancer, and the man who crashed was luckily able to continue on with just a few minor scratches.

Watch the full video below.
ye there buggers for doing that ive had a few on the estate do that , i now never travel any quicker 30mph now as you never know when there comming .
That guy was lucky it didnt look like he had to much damage on the bike or him very lucky .
Very lucky miss.
I was walking the dogs this morning when we came upon a large grey kangaroo just standing in the long grass next to the road, he was watching us carefully when a rider on a VFR1000 Honda came down the road and the predictable happened, the kangaroo jumped out in front of the bike, but luckily the rider avoided an accident despite the best efforts of the kangaroo.
phesants are the worst ive been knocked off the back of my bike when one hit me in the chest and broke 3 of my ribs , and i was only doing 35mph i dread to think what would have happened at 60mph .
One time a small wren-size bird hit me on the side of my helmet at a fairly high speed and almost knocked my block off!
Another time one hit me on the thigh and did that ever hurt!!!!!!!!!
No loss of control both times, phew!