Hole punching

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I thought Kyle wanted to work on his new to him guitar but I was wrong, he wanted to spend the day punching holes in paper. While we were there we met an NRA Instructor and Kyle got a free skeet lesson. To top it off the lesson was with a custom built Browning Over-Under that was sweet! The instructor was out to to fine tune it for the coming skeet competition season.

Hole punching with my 03 A3

The lesson



Posting with Tapatalk while riding my Tiger 955i at 15 over the speed limit.
He had a blast and was grinning from ear to ear when they finished. Shot a few of them, at least half of them. They didn't taste too good, tasted a lot like clay. :y2:

Posting with Tapatalk while riding my Tiger 955i at 15 over the speed limit.
It's a blast. I've never shot off a regulation set up, I had my own thrower and we used to do it in a gravel pit. What we did was more like the current Sporting Clays. Heck we were just trying to get some clays flying out of odd locations. We started noticing when we threw two off the thrower we could get a high clay and vary the second from ground level up to a high arc. If you were good a couple of the set ups would actually have both clays cross in flight and you could take out both with one shot. It took a little practice but I got pretty dern good at catching them with one shot.

Posting with Tapatalk while riding my Tiger 955i at 15 over the speed limit.
We pay $4.00 a round, nonmember guest pay $6.00 a round which covers the clays and equipment. Our annual membership is $50.00 which covers all range fees other than when you shot clays. The average fees around here for public ranges is $9.00 per round. Other gun clubs around here have much higher annual fees and their round fees run around $6.00 per round.

At our club we have skeet, trap, sporting clays, archery, 100, 200, 300 yard center fire ranges and 75 yard pistol/rimfire range, pavilion, BBQ grills, picnic tables and actual restrooms. We host multiple competitions thru the year for operating funds. Multiple classes are held each year at discounted prices for members and area youths. To help the youths we also host youth competitions on all of the ranges.

Posting with Tapatalk while riding my Tiger 955i at 15 over the speed limit.
He drums, writes, shoots, throws, and bats left-handed but plays the guitar right-handed. He was a problem sparring in martial arts, none of his sparring partners could figure out how to react to a left-handed fighter. He was sparring with a black belt and caught the black belt off guard with a left-footed kick that flipped the black belt. The black belt was used to left foot kicks but none with the same force as what he hit him with. The gym went quiet as they waited on the black belt to stagger to his feet. Kyle said he pulled his kick at the last moment when he saw how hard he was going to kick him, didn't follow thru with it. It might be a good thing, he could have really hurt him.

Posting with Tapatalk while riding my Tiger 955i at 15 over the speed limit.
If we carried our normal set up to the local public range we averaged $35.00 range fees for each trip plus the ammo. The Range Master didn't like the way Kyle has a tendency to rapid fire a couple of the rifles, he wanted at least 3 to 5 seconds between each shot. At the club there is no restriction as long as you can do it safely. He can go thru a 25 round magazine quicker than I can load 2 to 5 rounds in the spare mag and he is usually hitting the target.

Posting with Tapatalk while riding my Tiger 955i at 15 over the speed limit.
That's very cool TUP
I've been spending the past few Saturday afternoons at our local indoor range abusing paper targets :y2:
Seeing all those great outdoor pics makes me pine for spring, SIGH CRY
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